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Everything posted by CaryB

  1. I've ridden a good share of dark rides but my most memorable which make them my favorite are: Indiana Jones Adventure: Temple of the Crystal Skull and Haunted Mansion(WDW & TDL).
  2. Great report from a Con. Did you get a chance to attend the Steam Powered Giraffe concert, or perhaps catch a glimpse of any members of the group?
  3. rcdb.com/7444.htm Those figures are themeing around The Abyss. Scroll though the pictures in the link. *waves to Bill*
  4. The Great White is actually a very fun ride. I had an ERT session on it when I was last there in 2011.
  5. RoCo. Please continue this trip report. The Japan trap was so amazing. It's been over a year and I still will not forget it.
  6. OMG. This ride was awesome. I'm a flat ride enthusiast as well as a coaster enthusiast. My feet kept slipping off the foot platform during the ride cycle and I thought to myself "my foot is going to get chopped off." This ride was absolutely insane. Loved it.
  7. Banshee was a letdown. I rode it around 20 times during the day and at night, temperatures were around 60-70 degrees F. It was a fun ride but not a OMG ride. Two weeks later I took my 4th trip to CP. I rode Raptor and I thought to myself "this is what a forceful invert feels like."
  8. Thad. If you don't include a launched wing rider in this report I've lost interest.
  9. I will be there tomorrow with a friend from Ohio. Anyone know if CoasterCraze still happens? I've been to this event twice and always had a good time.
  10. Auto Skooters have been akin to me lately next to roller coasters. I rode some in OaksPark in Oregon a while back, amazing "jaw-jarring" bumper action. Same action in Tivoli Gardens. Are these Skooters the same manufacturer?
  11. Small complaint from me I couldn't pronounce Tusenfryd. I tried "toos-en-freud" (like Sigmund Freud) I tried "toos-en-fred" and I tried "toos-en-fried" I was riding roller coasters in Norway OMG, not just that ERT in the morning and evening(WOW). Thank You Tusenfryd
  12. Cedar Point for a half day tomorrow and CM on Friday.
  13. Donated to Joey Ray to take place in the Grona Lund Eclipse tower climb.
  14. Kombo at the Indy Zoo a couple weeks ago. Made a quick stop on my drive back from King's Island.
  15. I was fortuned with a visit to preview day this past Saturday. With my limited time I was able to get 2 rides on Lightning Run. If I had three hands I would give this ride 3 thumbs up. Ejector airtime on every hill except for the first two bunny hills. Enjoy the pictures. The third bunny hill The third bunny hill
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