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Everything posted by dchang11

  1. Cedar Point - 2017: Soak City expansion 2018: RMC Mean Streak 2019: General park improvements, Iron Dragon closes 2020: B&M Flyer and a new children's area Cedar Fair made a lot of money with Gatekeeper and invested the profits. I could see them adding a B&M Flying coaster in the near future to round up the lineup.
  2. I'm on the same boat with you. I was planning a weekend trip for May-June, but me and a friend decided to wait until 2018. If I was in your shoes, do the pilgrimage next year. If you think you don't have the chance after next year, go for it.
  3. I think its the lighting. I think Millennium Force could also use a tuneup.
  4. Wait till next year if I was you. Something big is coming in 2018. Stay on site to take advantage on early entry. Definitely budget on Fast Lane. Get the wristbands early. The sooner you go, the better in terms of crowds. Don't go on Friday during the day because of schoolkids on field trips.
  5. I can agree with this. Bins kill capacity, when Magnum had the bins taken away in 2014 the actual hourly numbers raised by 300-400 riders per hour. Guess wearing pockets with zippers is the new theme park norm. Note to self. I understand removing bins leads to quicker dispatch times. I think it causes an inconvenience for those non-theme park enthusiasts.
  6. Thank you for bumping this up! Spent a solid two hours going through this report. I would love to visit all of the parks mentioned in here (I've only been to SFGAm, and that was in 2005). P.S.: Didn't realize how late it was until I looked at the clock on my computer after finishing reading this report. I'm from the East Coast so I've been to Hersheypark, Dorney Park, Great Adventure, Busch Gardens, and Kings Dominion. All the parks are great. Planning on doing Cedar Point in 2018 with RMC Mean Streak.
  7. 100% this. The park doesn't need to worry about taking a PR hit - need I remind you people we have the tallest coaster and the best woodie, and we're the cheapest season pass on the east coast? We'll get the crowds regardless. I think a bigger PR hit is becoming known as a park where people constantly get hurt by flying projectiles. I think the park should really reconfigure/reconsider its entire rules/regulations for filming on rides. For one, I think people with gopro's strapped to their bodies SHOULD be allowed to ride (I don't own a gopro, for the record) but there should be a system in place for people that want to do this - check in @ the park, get a special pass, etc. And then on top of this the park really needs to crack the f*ck down on people with any loose articles on rides. Put those glass cases with peoples broken phones everywhere, make it part of every ride schpeil, make people aware this is astrict rule and serious consequences will result, and kick people the hell out when they get caught doing it. Enforce it and people will know the rules and they'll follow them. But they need to be enforced. You can't be serious. Six Flags should really put bins in the stations, but I don't see that happening anytime soon. It'll definitely reduce the amount of loose articles brought on the rides. Great trip report BTW!
  8. Planning a trip to Hershey Park in May/June. Does anyone know where I could get discount tickets?
  9. Thinking of visiting Hershey Park in April. Do all the coasters open during this period? How are the crowds?
  10. Thinking of visiting Great Adventure sometime in early April. How are the crowds on a Saturday? Will all the coasters be open?
  11. Reading through some of your trip reports. Excellent work! Thinking of doing a little tour myself.
  12. I agree. That would be five years in a row of coasters (depending on your definition of a coaster). 2013- Gatekeeper 2014- Pipe Scream (the questionable year) 2015- Rougarou 2016- Valravn 2017- Would be the new Mean Streak conversion I think they can take a year off from coasters; they need to build things that appeal to other audiences. I wasn't expecting coaster in 2016. Seems too soon. But Gatekeeper helped Cedar Point achieve record revenue, crowds, and even stock prices in 2013. Makes sense they had a little extra to build a new coaster in 2016.
  13. Cedar Point is doing a Christmas in July promo. Get to Sandusky this month. $30 tickets online.
  14. Excellent trip report. The picture of the causeway is heaven for coaster fans.
  15. Thanks for the feedback!!! We are not planning on getting the Platinum Pass from Kings Dominion. We've visited the park earlier this season and splurged the entire day. We are not planning on coming back this season. How was Coastermania? How do you register for the event next year?
  16. Cedar Point planning question. Me and a friend are planning on visiting Cedar Point on a weekend in late August or mid-July and we have a few questions for people who have visited the park on a regular basis. It's our first trip and we want to make the best of it. We are recent college graduates from Washington DC, so the trip is being planned on a budget. Should we allow one or two days to visit the park? We are planning to use FL+. Is it possible to cram all the major coasters and some thrill rides in a single Saturday in late-August? How is about Soak City? I haven't read much on the water park. Hotels in Sandusky and the surrounding area. Are there any suggestions? Should we stay at the Breakers Express and take advantage on the early entry? We are also considering on going next year on Memorial Day weekend and save extra money to splurge on the park.
  17. Most of my friends in Philly usually go to Dorney for the water park. I always prefer the park side, since I love roller coasters. But after a while, it gets old after a while with a small coaster lineup. I hope management is planning something in the future. Maybe they can put a Maverick style coaster where Dinosaurs Alive is located.
  18. Steel Force is pretty much a mini Magnum XL-200. Dorney Park is a mini Cedar Point.
  19. From the parking lot, Hydra looks wicked. You have to admit that. Looks like the monster itself.
  20. Hydra is a good coaster. I was among the first to ride the coaster on Opening Day 2005. The inversion before the lift hill is a coaster moment I'll never forget. You come out of the station and you are in a barrel roll. I rode Hercules, the coaster prior to Hydra, and it was one of the worst coasters ever. The headache sucked.
  21. I've been to Great Adventure several times on high school trips and its almost a sport during the weekdays before the summer season kicks off. The PA teenagers see Dorney Park as a middle school park, Six Flags Great Adventure as a high school park. Every time I visited Great Adventure, Kingda Ka shuts down. Always wanted to ride it.
  22. The launch is good, but it gets boring afterwards. Idk....its just me.
  23. I might visit Great Adventure next Thursday or Friday with cousins from California. How are the crowds like at this time of the year? We want to ride Kingda Ka, El Toro, and Green Lantern.
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