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Rai Fox

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Everything posted by Rai Fox

  1. I wouldn't say I've seen any sign of that in the last few times I've been there. They've been replacing rides that they take out, except for Space Oddysey, and everything is still well kept. I don't know what's happened with their plans for the old Revolution coaster, except that I don't know where they could -fit- it, but...I don't think it's failing at all. In fact, it's been quite busy and successful looking every time I stop in, even on weekdays.
  2. Oh, yeah, I need to decide what ride I want to have them make, then! I barely even paid attention to the rewards, I just donated to help see the game happen. I'd say Enterprise, but that's common enough that if it's not already going to be in the game, someone will have made one within the first week...Hmmm. Power Surge? Oooh, Roll-o-plane! No, maybe a the Bayern Kurve! Hmm...or...
  3. What did they replace it with? Last I've heard, there are no particular plans for Space Oddysey's plot yet. I'm pretty sad about that; I stopped there every year on my way to Pittsburgh, and that was my favorite ride there. Better even than the classic Caterpillar at Canobie. I'll be heading there in a bit over a month again; I'll see if I can find out if there are any new plans to replace it then.
  4. I've had a dream park I've been toying with the idea of creating in RCT3 for a year or so, but held back on because I wasn't sure the game's limits would let me do what I really wanted to with it. If TPS is as good as it promises to be, that won't be an issue any more... So, long story short, the whole idea of this park is one where each themed world tells a story, from beginning to end, if a guest were to go through every attraction along the looping path (or to read the story off the plaques provided if they wanted to avoid a ride). Possibly impractical for a real park, sure, but this isn't real, it's a game, so impossible fantasy works just fine...
  5. Looks like that little coaster is going to be able to compete with rides twice its size! It's awesome to what Fun Spot's turning into; I really can not wait to get back there now.
  6. I -love- riding in the rain, though a few of the fastest coasters can be a bit painful. Phantom's Revenge, not so good in the rain. Big Bad Wolf hurt too, since those tarps over the connectors between cars on the train would collect rainwater and let it out in heavy streams from the vent hole instead of little drops, not very pleasant to have that on you the entire time. Boulder Dash in the rain though, Amazing. Same for Twister at Knoebels, and most other coasters I've been on in "bad' weather. It always feels so beautiful surreal and disorienting.
  7. Was looking forward to equinox, unfortunately it wasn't operational when I made a trip up there. Same thing happened to me at the end of the Halloween season last year; got to watch it test but they weren't allowing riders.
  8. Coaster, Boulder Dash at Lake Compounce. I couldn't say how many times; certainly in the triple digits though. Flat ride, LC's Enterprise, count is right up there with BD.
  9. That's sad to hear, but at least Canobie seems dedicated to having theirs around for a good long time. Makes me glad it's a nearby park for me. Can't wait til I can get there in a few weeks; I still need to get on Equinox!
  10. I'm no expert, having not even been there yet, but it's local enough that I've seen it come up often enough. From what I've seen, no, the park hasn't done that well, but at least in the minds of most of its fans, it's not because there's any reason a park in that location can't do well, it's simply bad management. Now who would possibly expect that from a park that's run by the government? >.> Most fans are pretty sure there's no reason at all the park can't be successful if someone that actually cares about it, and has some idea what they're doing, takes over. Quite a few reputable companies seem to be of that opinion too, which is why they've made the proposals they have for it, so there has to be some merit to that. I know it's not the biggest and best park, but if it was your local park, wouldn't you rather see it given a fair chance to live up to its potential, instead of stripped down to little more than a family entertainment center with a couple classic rides? Plus, there's the fact that, if what's been posted here and a lot of other places lately is any indication, "Sustainable" isn't really so much an attempt to keep the park alive, as it is an attempt by the wealthy in the area to raise their property values. Meanwhile, several companies think they can make it work by building it up into a better park, instead of stripping it down to nothing. Is it really any surprise that people who've grown up with the park would much rather see that happen? It's a ways away from me, quite a bit further than Lake Compounce, Canobie, and SFNE, so certainly not -my- park, but I lost my own "home" park (Rocky Point Park) when I was in my teens, and that -still- hurts, so I know I'll be doing what I can to support Playland as long as there's a shot. Incidentally, when Rocky Point closed, everyone used the same argument; "why defend it, if it was any good, it'd be successful and wouldn't be in this situation?" It only came out years too late that the park actually had made money every single year, except it had been embezzled by corrupt management and board members until they park had nothing left. Run by people that cared about it instead of money, it'd still be here...
  11. That'd make sense. I'll just have to save it for next weekend!
  12. Aww, just noticed Quassy is closed this Saturday. I was hoping to get there on the way to Rye Playland for the Wooden Warrior credit...maybe I'll just wait til next weekend to get both at once. Strange to have the park randomly closed for one saturday, though...
  13. For anyone familiar with the park, how are weekend crowds at this time of year? I'm thinking of going this weekend, but with the $15 ride-all-day special they're offering, I'm expecting that it might get bad. I don't know what kind of wait times the park usually builds up, though.
  14. I've been trying to get myself there for years. Now that I've finally booked it I think I'm actually more excited about hitting Knoebels than I've been for many of the big parks. That reminded me to actually call and book my campsite for this summer. Just talking to their staff on the phone to book a site leaves me grinning for hours.
  15. I'm glad to see Kumba on there, myself; it's still one of my absolute favorites. Two decades have done nothing to make that coaster any less amazing. There might be bigger and faster now, but Kumba still has one of the best layouts ever built, IMO, and it still keeps up with any 300 foot monster coaster. Plus, it's always going to get special mention just for being one of the coasters that did so much to revive an industry that hadn't gone anywhere in nearly two decades before it was built.
  16. Grr, the Old Mill. How many more years are they going to say they're going to change it back, only for us to find Garfield still infesting it on opening day? =/
  17. I remember reading that a year or two ago, I just hoped they'd gotten to it over the winter. I'd love to see the ride -properly- fixed up.
  18. Upped mine to $100, best I can do now. I really want to see this game happen. Hmmm, what do I want to design for the game... Gotta see what's already in it first, I guess! But, any park I build is going to need an Enterprise...
  19. I can't make it this weekend - and the weather does not look promising either - but I'll definitely make sure to get there ASAP.
  20. That's kind of a shame. Kennywood used to be so proud of that attraction, but it just doesn't seem like it's any kind of priority for them to fix it now.
  21. How is Noah's Ark? Have they managed to rehab the last scene yet, or is it still out of commission?
  22. I know this is an old post, but... Whaaaaaaaat?
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