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spinning man

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Everything posted by spinning man

  1. I didn't record it, silly me for not stating it. But it appears the owner has changed it to private.
  2. This is a first for me. A helicopter used to help build a ride. VIDEO TAKEN OFF FOR BEING UNVIEWABLE. Pictures taken by six flags magic mountain. http://www.sixflags.com/magicMountain/rides/LexLuthorDropOfDoomConstruction.aspx
  3. Nearly 1 year and no completion? Dear oh dear. I find it a pity that the track is being left to get damaged. Is there any news on this coaster by any chance, or has it been abandoned?
  4. It appears the skyrush pull through test is nearing it's end, and testing may begin next week. Picture taken by wizzard33 on the All American Thrills forum. http://allamericanthrills.freeforumsblogs.com/t6p774-skyrush-official-discussion-thread
  5. A picture of the pull through test from hershey's facebook page.
  6. They still have the 'water effects' planned for this ride. I think that they were shown to be installed some time back, but I'm not really sure.
  7. It appears the first two cars have their covers on. But they look abit small.
  8. I looked over stengel engineering and it says his company does the physics and all the technical stuff on a coaster with the layouts and check overs of the structure, which led me to look at their clients page. I see that the most known coaster manufacturers such as INTAMIN, B&M, Zierer, Vekoma etc. are their clients. Since this is so, what exactly do the coaster manufacturers do, other than designing different train concepts, coming up with different track designs and manufacturing them?
  9. I found some interesting pictures of the trains, some i haven't seen before. All credit goes towards the American Coaster Enthusiasts for the pictures. And a picture I found of the envelope over the railings to show that all is well. Picture taken by mattyland on the Forum Parchi Divertimento http://coastercommunity.altervista.org/community/viewtopic.php?t=1474&p=43949
  10. Here is the picture of the hill part which was taken off, for other people to see. Also, are the trains black? Credit goes to PACommunity for taking the picture.
  11. It will speed up, just like The Swarm did. But one thing i'm thinking about is that on the swarm's first test run, that first drop was slow. But x-flight's first drop takes it abit too fast from my opinion. The Swarms first test run, the part of interest is at 0:27: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XzTCakQDk4s I know that X-flight's drop is 7 feet smaller than the swarms and has 8 rows compared to The Swarms' 7 rows, but it does look abit fast. In the end, I'm not a genius engineer so my eyes might be fooling me.
  12. It appears they have been testing already, or they will start soon, with the water dummies in the station.
  13. Alton towers have realesed the SW7 site. http://www.altontowers.com/2013/ A screen shot I took. Would be nice for a screensaver.
  14. The london dungeons has been planned to be moved to the county hall beside the london eye and the london sea-life centre, for 2013. In the move are the attractions in the present dungeons, with some new show areas. But the 5D ride hasn't been shown in the plans, so are they ditching it already? Also the boat ride will feature a new layout and the drop tower will be loaded from the top instead from the bottom. What do you all think of this? http://www.themeparktourist.com/news/20120410/6521/london-dungeon-set-move-county-hall-site-january-2013
  15. Here is a video I found via screamscape, showing the progress on lex luthor's drop ride. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=86FNPZZCKIE
  16. Just as some news. I read that X-flight is scheduled to be testing this week, well it was supposed to be testing yesterday but it hasn't been. I guess we'll have to look over the webcam from time to time.
  17. On The Swarm, you get on the train as normal by waiting at the gates in rows. Then when the ride has finished, you get off and walk to the front of the train where the exit path will be. After all the people have cleared the exit path, then the gates open for the next riders.
  18. After some getting used to, The Swarm is a cool name for me. But the coolest is abismo.
  19. 8 cars? I thought X-flight would have 7. The forces on the back seats should be quite forceful, comparing it to the swarm.
  20. I need to get myself down to Parc Asterix sometime soon. This is a very impressive coaster, for one with a old coaster type.
  21. Looking around the web, I found this interesting article saying that there are plans of an angry birds theme park coming to the UK, and possibly to the USA as well. What do you all think of this? Article: http://news.yahoo.com/angry-birds-theme-parks-coming-europe-224344888.html
  22. Here is the latest shot from the now working webcam. Not a full train yet, but it's getting there.
  23. I actually quite like that colour scheme. I don't get it why so many people are against it, well other than the description of vile colours.
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