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Everything posted by Sportsdude360

  1. Our bricks!!! "Mad" Mike Burden and Danny Bunn "Scifidude1"! I'm honored they put my brick right next to TPR Rob and Alyssa! 20220924_132138.mp4
  2. At Fiesta now!! Dr. Diabolical's Cliffhanger is an outstanding addition of the park!! Jeffrey Siebert greeted us and personally escorted us to Dr. D! He also gave us Fright Fest and Octoberfest wristbands. Dr. D reminds me of bit of Sheikra at BGT but with way better theming! Another great example of B&M sweetness!! Every element, from the beyond vertical first drop to the second drop, airtime hill and helices are perfection!!
  3. Took my last ride on Mr. Freeze in it's current state. Plus latest Aquaman construction photos!
  4. It would appear that some sort of major rehab is afoot! Good news! Maybe new trains, possible re-theme to Two Face with one train launching forwards and the other backwards! Lots of possibilities!
  5. The fact that there has been no further information made available is what's fueling the speculation. Seasonal maintenance would have been announced. Also, Crazy Legs was repainted and re-themed to Harley Quinn and then removed.
  6. These photos were taken at Lone Star Coasterthon. No further information was released to the public. The current speculation is that Freeze may be on its way out. The ride uses the older Lim technology and is expensive to operate and maintain. CREDIT: Lisa Marie and DFW Thrillseekers for the top photo and Coaster Nation for the bottom one.
  7. ^ Sounds good! My friends and I will be headed down to San Antonio in late September, hopefully after the weather has cooled a bit. Can't wait to give this bad boy a run!
  8. I was at the park this past Saturday. Looks like they're making progress on Aquaman even though it's not due to open until next spring.
  9. I think it's pretty clear from that video that rider thruput on Catwoman Whip is going to be abysmal. Aquaman Power Wave here at SFOT isn't yet completed, but at least they had the good sense to add the turntable which should make thruput close to 1000 per hour. Catwoman, on the other hand, looks to be a fun ride if you don't mind the wait.
  10. You would win that bet! Mid to late summer is the best bet for Aquaman based on current construction progress.
  11. Latest Aquaman construction photos. Splash pool is coming along nicely and the turntable seems just about ready. Themeing and queue line will be last. Possible mid-summer opening! Pirates Of Speelunker Cave queue theming looks good!
  12. I, along with a friend, will be spending four days at Disney World next weekend, during which time we hope to try out all the latest attractions. Needless to say, Rise Of The Resistance will be foremost on our minds. We're staying on site at Disney's Pop Century resort. I will be posting plenty of pics of our trip.
  13. ^ I will be in Orlando at Disney World during the opening weekend of this eagerly anticipated new attraction. But I look forward to riding Pirates upon my return.
  14. New park updates! The area around Rodeo is fenced off with a sign that reads "park pathways have been adjusted for future projects". Hmm, wonder what those future "projects" could be. Latest Aquaman and Pirates photos. Looks like the Aquaman turntable apparatus is taking shape!
  15. Right now it's hard to say. They were going to open Pirates sometime in April, but I'm not sure if that's still possible. I'll see what I can find out this Saturday when I visit the park.
  16. I will be out at the park this Saturday, I will get as much info as I can.
  17. The hard hats were working on splash pool construction which is the yellow area on the other side of the fence. The turntable was originally not going to be used with this version, but the pandemic work stoppage gave corporate time to re-think the wisdom of having the ride operate at reduced capacity. They came to their senses and the turntable is now being installed. They were shooting for a Memorial Day opening according to previous park president Ron Mckenzie, but that may not be do-able at present. I will continue to post updates on work progress as well as a ride review when it does finally open.
  18. At the park now. Uploading some new images of Pirates Of Speelunkers Cave and Aquaman: Power Wave.
  19. ^ There's no way that boy should have been allowed to ride this. He is clearly too big for those restraints to hold him. The ride ops should have realized by the way those restraints were fitting him that it wouldn't work.
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