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Everything posted by stewhoutx

  1. I searched various ways but didn't find a thread like this, if it exists feel free to shut this one down. But I am always interested in hearing about various pieces of old rides that can still be found in parks...old stations still standing or re-purposed, footers that still exist, or other bits that may be obvious to some but a mystery to others. Some are pretty obvious and glaring...the old Peoplemover/Rocket Rods track at Disneyland comes to mind. Some less so, like the jumping fish at Disneyland over by BTMRR that used to be part of the Mine Train through Nature's Wonderland. I am sure there are tons out there, so thought if anyone had info on them or even better pictures to share it might make an interesting thread. If not, feel free to kill it!
  2. In case anyone wants to take a look at construction on the pier, streaming cam at http://www.galveston.com/wavevideocam/ . I hangs up now and then, so just click on Wave up top under the video cam choices. It zooms in and out and along the pier and beach every 5-10 mins, so sometimes you have to wait for it to come back around to the pier...but gives pretty good look at what's going on.
  3. Just an update to this...Freeze is indeed closed and May is what I heard, but Shockwave was up and thrilling in all it's glory! Was basically walk on all day today, and ops were letting people stay on as long as no one was waiting for their row. Overall, great day...at least 2 train operation on all coasters, park looking good, and employees friendly and on the ball with dispatches. Of course, it is just opening weekend! We'll see what it's like in a month or two...
  4. This project keeps looking more interesting as it goes on! If we here in Houston are ever to get another full fledged theme park, somehow Fertitta will need to be involved. He has the money on his own, would require really no financial backing other than his own company. He's filling out the coastal destinations nicely between Kemah and the Pier....here's hoping he'll some day have plans for something a bit more grand cross his desk that he likes to be built on a good chunk of land somewhere north of Houston!
  5. This sounds awesome! So would this maybe be happening in CT, since the guy is wearing a Sanitrol Septic Services shirt and they service New Haven county CT and the surrounding areas?
  6. Robb you're absolutely right...that weight/restraint shot was pretty childish on my part now that I had a chance to go back and read it. Feel free to edit my original post if you would like. Should have just left it at "this was the ride he was most looking forward to?" and left it at that. Apologies to all!
  7. While a bit of a head scratcher at the similarities between Leviathan and Behemoth being installed back to back, what is more funny to me is another blatant example that Paul Rubens is full of crap and that his "expert opinion" can be bought. I'm curious what they had to give him in order for him to say this is the one ride he's most looking forward to next year, when you have two very unique rides opening at both Hershey and Dollywood. Really Paul, a B&M that is a bit taller than the hypercoaster across the park is the one that is your must ride over those other two? Maybe he doesn't think he'll fit into the restraints on the other two, so what he should have said was it's the ride he's most looking forward to that won't cause him to have a restraint non-closure walk of shame. How these parks think this guy's opinon gives any credence to their projects is baffling.
  8. Awesome PTR! Great captions as always...I'm still laughing about the Joe Frazier and monkey death hole references! LOL
  9. Man, you could have a pretty good start to a park with some of the SBNO woodies out there...first Ozark Wildcat, now the DBH.
  10. Big Bend at SFOT only had 6 or 7 years....not a super short time like other, but I don't know many people around that have the credit.
  11. How would Disney get inspiration for the Jungle Cruise from SFOT when SFOT opened 6 years AFTER Disneyland and the Jungle Cruise? LOL Guess those that "claim" that are sadly mistaken...
  12. What Kat and the New Zealand magician.... Dude, I literaly sprayed my keyboard with water when I read "the new Zealand magician". Holy hell, thanks for that laugh!
  13. ^ You have to figure they left those big concrete footers in the river for something right? Let's hope so!
  14. Since SFOG just announced Dare Devil Dive, could it be that maybe Six Flags got a deal for purchasing more than one eurofighter from Gerstlauer? Just a thought...
  15. Hmmmm, interesting move so soon after saying they were keeping him around. Maybe the robot bot guy wasn't so dumb after all!
  16. Wow, looks like an awesome ride! Can't wait to give it a spin! Do have a question though...everyone kinda ragged on Intimidator at Carowinds for the front ends being ugly with the NASCAR stickers and such, these trains are themed the exact same way but not one peep so far about it...so what gives? Seems more like Intamin love or this being a better ride...or Robb being there working with the park...is causing what seemed to be such a big deal with the other one to be overlooked. Just kinda funny... LOL
  17. Hey, just FYI looks like a bit more info is coming out on this park...the website http://www.earthquestadventures.com/ was recently updated. Rumor has it groundbreaking could happen as early as this fall. Fingers crossed for Houston having a real park again!
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