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Posts posted by BorisTF

  1. Well, after getting the bluetooth adapter, I can finally share the very few pictures I 'snapped' at Download Festival, so, heres the only two of me I got on Download weekend...


    Download here I come...


    Post Sunday night riot, where I got no sleep, and was part of the anti-bonfire resistance. Behind me lies where several dozen tents were, but all of them got sacrificed to the Yobbish Fire God.

  2. Hey, thank you for the advice! I will try the best I can to put it to use!


    I don't really understand Elementary or the Automatic Heartline Generator so I have to use plain NoLimits to smooth, and it has became quite hard.

    Once you've learnt the art of hand smoothing, try putting some effort into AHG...if your track is smooth enough to begin with, then AHG is almost a walk in the park.
  3. OK, heres a list of issues I've found (apart from the layout, which to be very honest, isn't good try and get some different directions in future)


    1) The station is on the floor, raise it up a few ft/m to make it look more realistic

    2) The lift hill: the best way to make these is a curve up, a straight section for the main portion (press 'i' to make it perfectly straight) then a curve outwards into the drop/pre-drop. You need a smaller curve up as well, you curve in is bigger than the curve out.

    3) Apart from the shaping, the drop wasnt too bad, just try and keep the track from sinking into the floor (advice from number 1 applies here)

    4) Try and make the brake run straight, more realistic that way...I know you havent done it here, but another thing to do is not bank the brake runs.


    Thats it (apart from some general bad shaping, but thats something you get the hang of eventually...I'm sure someone else here can offer some advice as to proper shaping.

    For future reference to (when you get to build a track with corners ) theres a piece of scenery shaped like a bit of cheese...you can use the edge of this cheese for your track to follow, and it makes the tracks somewhat less pumpy.


    Not the worst first coaster in NL I've seen either.....hell, this is better than some 2nds 3rds and 4ths I've seen.

  4. Way to be full of yourself, I personally dont think your all that and a dancing monkey, your tracks are just okay in my honest opinion. Im not trying to be rude, but I have been holding it back for a long time, try being less cocky unless you really are superior.

    I don't think you can talk until you prove it! Post something...

    What does his skill have to do with saying you're full of yourself (a view I quite honestly agree with). He may not be the greatest designer (I'm sure you know I'm not trying to insult you there CP_Rules), but he's still entitled to his opinion. What makes you think you are the greatest on these boards anyway?
  5. uh, lemme post this, so i can see what my avatar is, then edit and say about it...


    ok...it's devil some weird cartoon character throwing devil horns, that i made myself, os it links in with the sig, which in turn probably explains the avatar....or maybe not, i'm not quite sure...

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