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Posts posted by BorisTF

  1. Hmmmmm....I feel comfortable enough on this site now to post some more less obscured pictures of me....including one that always gets interesting reactions, taken during my 18th birthday, and whilst very, very drunk.


    EDIT: Forgot to add the second pic, lol


    Taken minutes after getting my phone (and before I learnt how to mirror the image the right way on the phone)


    Ignore the fake breasts and the fact it's some old top of my sisters....

  2. Alright guys, answer this B&M question..


    Ive always been curious What exactly the purpose of these type of supports? (the one in the right of the picture)


    I always assumed they are supports fitted with bearings that allow the track to flex as the coaster goes over that support, reducing stress on the track. Is that their real purpose? or am I way off?

    which bit am i looking at, the part between the support and track connector?

  3. I've been lucky enough to meet a lot of footballers in my old job:


    Rio Ferdinand

    Mickael Silvestre

    Andy Cole

    Dwight Yorke

    Teddy Sheringham

    Ole Gunnar Solskjaer

    David Platt

    Marcus Bent

    Kevin Kilbane

    Kasper Schmeichel


    to name a few.


    I've also met Richard "I Don't Believe It!" Wilson from One Foot In The Grave.

    lol, reminds me of the season after Gareth Southgate missed that penalty, there was a rumor going round that he was on the same train as me...sure enough, when the train terminated, he was there...though he didn't notice me when he nearly knocked me under the train (I was small).


    I've also met Byron from a band called God Forbid, and saw Kathy Burke at the theatre near me a few weeks ago. I think theres more too, I just can't quite remember

  4. I found this when browsing RCDB a while ago and piosted on another forum, I think they answered the question there, lemme try and find a link.



    Now, we were debating for some time what the heck the front car was, since there was no seats hanging from it. From our view, it's just a set of wheels attached to the track. Well, I asked the ride operator, and she told me what the deal was. It does have a purpose... two, actually.


    The first purpose is that the electronics for the train hangs in a box below the wheels. These electronics control all onboard controls, such as the brakes and the shoulder restraints. This box is removable for the second purpose.


    When BGW is shooting a commercial, they dismount the first row of seats. The box on the front car is also dismounted. When the box is removed, it reveals two holes in the car. These holes are where they mount the two on train cameras... one for taking pictures of the new front row of seats, one for the forward view. The ride was actually designed to mount cameras as part of the ride... neat, huh?



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