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Posts posted by BorisTF

  1. How on earth were they aloud a "one off", I've never heard of that before, if you have a height restriction, you have it and theres nout you can do about it, and I've heard they don't have a height resriction.


    They do have a height restiction, and have to apply for exceptions to build over a certain height, Stealths area has the 200ft limit, the rest of the park has a lower limit...

  2. Vekoma is a very nice company. They are not known for making the smoothest coasters but they are very kindly and co-operative. I was able to visit their factory last year and I am proud to have a great customer like Vekoma. They allow us to use most of the designs we made for them in the public release of NoLimits. Some of those will be present in the new update 1.6 coming out this year. I am not sure if they allowed us to use the specific train that you have talked about above. Gerstlauer is a great customer, too. The spinning coaster will be part of 1.6 as well.


    - Ole



    There were a couple of otehr posts as well, but the information wasnt as good as that...

  3. ^I think he already has.


    Also, from what I've read, don't expect much in the new style department. To my understanding, this is another improvement update.

    with a gerts spinner and possibly some new vekoma trains apparently


    Where exactly did you hear that? To my knowledge, there aren't any new trains styles on the way, just refurbished styles. The coding to make the trains rotate reactionally to the track design would be a major undertaking and I wouldn't be surprised if that waited until NL2.

    Ole hinted towards a new Vekoma train & said there is a spinner on CoasterSims
  4. You can't scale them I'm afraid, not unless its Custom Scenery, No Limits suffers RCT syndrome when it comes to trees




    You may well use your own tree textures and scale trees in NL by setting these tree textures plus according heights within an environment file. Just that's the reason - like awclark already pointed out - why tree sizes sometime go bonkers with a false environment file.

    oh, well, i've never really gotten into enironment files, so i didnt know about that....lol

  5. Hey, started a wooden coaster recently just as a "i'm bored" sorta thing, and it's turned into a full blown project now. I'm even going as far as trying to model a couple of flat rides (so far have a 75% modelled Intamin Freefall, needing texturing)


    the ride is 104ft tall and based around a tranquil lakeside park (lake will include some lake type scenery such a leaisure boats etc...)


    anyways, screenies here: http://nldc.interfix.net/p1609

  6. well, that was......interesting. Apart form the fact that every corner seemed to be banked at 90 degrees, and a lot of the node handles were obviously too short....and the fact the final brakes were beginnning to look like the were melting in the sun, that was an average ride....the train didnt even make it all the way back for me

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