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Everything posted by Sharkyjon

  1. This ride is amazing! I went to Thorpe Park on 7th May. I managed to get on Saw 5 times which was class as there were hardly any queues. The ride is smoothe and does not slow down. The dark part of this ride caught me out as I was not expecting what was in there! Its worth a ride.
  2. Thats what us west midlanders are like in birmingham! The 12 year olds were probably gypsies any way! Wonder what the 14 year old girl will get in return from Drayton manor? Bet she wished she had of gone to alton towers now! Poor 14 year old! Jonny x
  3. This attraction look 'Ace!' I can't wait to get back to Universal either this year or next year
  4. Hey it really was sad to see the black hole go. Its wierd I was there yesterday and the park was really quiet for a UK bank holiday monday. Rita had a few technical difficulties as well. It also had to close for a few minutes due to EXTREME weather conditions! Hail and heavy rain. But still was nice to ride rita wet!
  5. Never mind I was having a blonde moment I just looked above my post and found it lol!
  6. I really cant find the name of the song for the seaparadise video can anyone please help me i would really appretiate it. I asked my mom cus shes old and even she doesn't know the title of the song! AARGH lol Cheers :o)
  7. Oh my gosh i downladed Julian Johnson's "Don't Look Down 2005" Video Contest Entry video by accident and thought it was AMAZINGLY COOL! The music is upbeat and i love the way he has managed to get the coasters to the that reverse thingy with the music. This has got to be one of my FAVOURITES!! Cant wait to see them all Who actually sings that song anyone know?
  8. Rita: Queen of Speed at Alton towers. Me and my sister queued up 2 1/2 hours for a ride that lasts 12 seconds! Manic! Thankfully the single rider libe only took 20 minutes when i rode the second time.
  9. Mine was 'The Scorpion' at BGTB many years ago actually 10 years ago its amazing how time goes by . . . . so slowy . . . damn that madonna song is catchy!
  10. They havnt closed down the coaster at all its been running since it was opened! lol Im really sorry people for the repeat post of 'G-Force' . . . my bad . . .
  11. Heya im glad to announce that 'G-Force' is now open at Drayton Manor, Tamworth, UK has finally opened. Its replaced the old 'Klondike Gold Mine' which was really run down but now this petit coaster has replaced it. It combines two inversions and a lift hill that actually goes upside down its WICKED! Its not really an intense coaster but its the seating and the feeling of being held upside down the track for a few seconds is amazing! Here are some pictures of this new next generation coaster! The link for the video will also be posted soon Cars
  12. Woah you all got a little bit carried away there didnt ya! what about cars above and below a track the are combined so there an inverter such as B n M at the bottom and a floorless on top how awsome is that!
  13. reality check WOW your right! i never knew what they did
  14. counting all the heads on the floor off the corkscrew at alton towers. Damn that ride! My ear stud gut stuck into my head after i went onto it!
  15. I was just sitting like and boring old fart and was thinking to myself, "What coasters can we start to see in the near future?". I came up with the concept of a stand up floorless rollercoaster. ( A bit like the restraints on apocalypse at drayton manor. 5th Element part of the tower.)and the kraken floor element. Mind you it could be nasty for the guys all them G-Forces. I hope ive intregued you all thanks Jon.
  16. Iwas 8 when i went on my first looping roller coaster. It was 'The Scorpion' at busch gardens Tampa Bay in 1997. It was fab. Went back last year for 2004 and rode it again and ironically sat in the same place as i sat in 1997. Back row on the right seat. Brought back many memories Kraken rox like yellow sox![/img] Kraken Sea World. Beautiful pic in the sunset
  17. dang i missed the chance to download this video! Can any one send it me either via another link or over msn thanking you jon Oh made plans to go back to Busch Gardens in July. CANT wait to ride Sheikra! Oblivion looks pants now ive seen this! Ive ridden Oblivion many times and find it cool but its like 30 seconds max. Cant complain tho because it seems to always have a 5 minute queue when i go. Thanks jon Its HUUUGE!
  18. WOW I see that this was a great ride o put on the discussion board But Kraken does "rock like yellow sox". Anyone going to sea world soon? Oh who has been on journey to altlanis my dad nearly SH1T himself on this when we went down the first drop its totally awesome (except for those saddos who get you with them water cannons!!! ) Cya jon
  19. Hey just another post from the one and only. Just wondering how many people have been on Kraken. I would say this is my No1 coaster of the many coasters I have ridden in my short life I went on it this time last year and loved it. It has got to be one of the smoothest coasters I have been on. Queue times are fab too the longest I queued was 10 minutes so managed to get on it 14 times. I am planning to go back to the USA in june after my exams. Will defenatley be going to bush gardens tampa bay to ride Sheikra Cheerio Jon
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