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Everything posted by RCT3D

  1. This is absolutely stunning!!! The attention to detail is phenomenal and the effects are amazing! Never would I have thought that I would see something this magical in RCT3! This is without a doubt the best roller coaster and even video of anything in RCT3. Great job and keep up the great work! Very inspiring!
  2. I suppose I'll have a go at this contest, sign me up please.
  3. That was incredibly smooth, I'm very impressed. Fantastic job!!
  4. You must unpack the zip files to the locations as follows: Custom Cars (CC) go in C:\ Program Files\ Atari\ RollerCoaster Tycoon 3\ Cars\ TrackedRideCars\ Custom Tracked Rides (CTR) go in C:\ Program Files\ Atari\ RollerCoaster Tycoon 3\ tracks\ Tracked Rides\ Custom Tracks (CT) go in C:\ Program Files\ Atari\ RollerCoaster Tycoon 3\ tracks\ Tracked Rides\ Custom Scenery (CS) go in C:\ Program Files\ Atari\ RollerCoaster Tycoon 3\ Style\ Themed\ Custom Flat Rides (CFR) go in C:\ Program Files\ Atari\ RollerCoaster Tycoon 3\ Style\ Custom\ (the "Custom" folder must be created manually) If you have any more questions I be glad to help.
  5. Looks really nice!! I love how the small coaster in front of the hotel looks like artwork.
  6. Picture #5 looks the best. The whole park is prodigious (had to go to thesaurus.com to find the right word).
  7. Why do you have to make it so difficult to find words that are good enough to describe this park?
  8. Day 10 The wood arrived here and 250 workers all started putting the first ride together, they should be finished by day 12. Day 12 The first ride is now complete and now we are just waiting for the next track pieces to arrive. First ride. First ride.
  9. Day 2 All the electrical work for the lights are done in the main park entrance. The parking toll lights. The seating area lights.
  10. First of all, this is my first park that is like this so it might not be the best though I will still try my best. Second of all, this park needs a name, so, if you think of a name for this park during the updates of this park then please let me know. Thank you. Day 1 We have bought some new land to build a family theme park. We plan to build many exciting rides around the trees and rivers so everyone can have fun. End of the day and we pretty much finished the park entrance. Seating area in front of the park entrance. Left side parking lot from the main entrance. Right side parking lot from the main entrance. Looking at the toll for the cars.
  11. I've been having kind of an annoying problem with RCT3 recently. Whenever I start RCT3, the screen position of the program is too far to the left (but the actual screen position settings on my monitor haven't actually changed) so I have to keep going to the settings and changing the position settings each time I play, then when I close RCT3, the screen is too far to the right so then I have to go to the settings and move it to the left. This is a very annoying problem and I hope someone has a solution. I am using Windows7 x64. BTW the reason that this just started happening is because I just reinstalled it after doing a clean installation of Win7.
  12. I would recommend using any of Vodhin's or DasMatze's sets. Vodhins sets can be found Here, DasMatze's sets can be found Here. For supports I recommend Trackworx, you can find that Here. Hope this helps.
  13. So, do you want tips on making better coaster layouts or coasters that are enhanced by scenery?I can help you with the coaster layouts.
  14. pictures #2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 9 look amazing, the ones I've bolded look realistic.
  15. That looks sooooooooo good!!! now you made me really hungry. And I have to agree with sasquatch, your grass is AWSOME!!!
  16. I love the 2nd and 6th pics from your post before this one.
  17. This is very nice, you have inspired me to build a big water park in rct3.
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