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Jeezus Juice

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Posts posted by Jeezus Juice

  1. ^


    Location: San Diego

    Age: 14

    Gender: Male


    Location: Plano, TX

    Age: 15

    Gender: Male


    Location: Chicago!!!

    Age: 13

    Gender: Male


    Location: Melbourne, Australia

    Age: 12

    Gender: Male


    Location: Canada

    Age: 13

    Gender: Male


    I'm guessing not! Don't you guys live by a mall or something? Shouldn't you be there stealing Cinnabons and feeling manniquin boobies? I know that's what I was doing when I was your age!!


    Yes, the offseason is fully underway!

  2. LOL! That was so funny! I think this part got me the most:

    Thepoliceman you helped will go on to save 19 people from being killed by terrorists.


    Of course...damn turrists!


    Am I the only one who thought this was going to be a gay porn story in the beginnning?

    I see you're busy, I'll just go." "Not without something hot in your belly

    and this one

    He turned and opened a wide mouth...and handed it to the stranger. "It ain't much, but it's hot and tasty

    I'll bet! LOL


    That was awesome, where did you find it? All it needed was a few furries and a pre-op tranny or two and it would be the best xmas story evah!



  3. So Eejanaika was feeling a bit lonely there on my arm so I went down and got a friend installed for it. This hurt so damn bad. Enjoy the pics!!!




    OMG YES! Tattoo's kick ass!




    BOOM! there ya go!




    This was the general Idea I came up with...but it was missing something...


    So I began thinking up stuff that would go well with it.


    There he is...all bare and alone.

  4. It's themed entertainment, seems like this is as good a place as any.


    Monica, Guy, and I went this year. All in all is was just alright. Shipwrecked did have some things going for it. For one the mazes followed a logical progression. The next one would start right about where the last one ended. This meant we could skip the first one and stay a bit ahead of the crowd.


    It also meant everybody else was doing the same thing and there really never was an out of the way walkthrough with little to no crowds.


    The mazes in the ship were really well done, the ship gives them much to work with and they actually were pretty creepy.


    The mazes outside were tragic though. Very little else than painted flats and neon paint. Although some did offer multiple pathways which I thought was pretty innovative, while not really offering much in the way of any different experience. They didn't charge for 3-D glasses though!


    Once on the ship a few of the mazes were broken up with a dance boogie marathon rave going on. The kids seemed to enjoy it. The music was VERY loud, there was hardly any ventilation, and the pathways wern't signed very well at all.


    However it was a fairly interesting ship crawl. We were there on a saturday and the event was PACKED but we were still able to make our way through nearly everything and duck out a little early.


    I'd recommend it if you have extra time during Halloween. I went to Haunt at Knotts 6 times this year so taking a night off to go to the Queen Mary was totally doable.


    We stayed at the ship that night which was pretty cool, the sunday brunch was fantastic!


    Still I'll probably not go back for a while, if ever. I'm glad I went to check it out but I don't live in the LA area so I think I'll be spending most of my october time at Knotts or the DLR. If you live in the area by all means check it out, just arrive early if you're going on a weekend!


    Quick story, I was being a tool and wore my Haunt t-shirt that night. One of the sliders at the entrance to the ship saw it and flipped me off. I said, "You're really gonna love this then" and showed him my haunt tattoo. He gave me a dap and asked how long I'd worked at Knotts.

    I told him that I'd never worked there and he goes "What kind of $*** is that!" and got all offended.


    Whaa...the slider at the Queen Mary got all butthurt that I didn't seem to appreciate how holy the "Haunt Brotherhood of those who slide on stuff" is. He was the one smoking a cigarette instead of scaring folks! Dork.



  5. Wow, Tower of Terror at Dollyfood looks great!


    Is this REALLY the Addams family coaster concept? Now that you mention it it does seem VERY familiar to the Paramount survey concept art.


    If it is then why, by Tom Cruise's beard, did they go with the stinky Italian Job?


    So it looks like MM closes out the back end of Thunderhead Gap. Does this rule out the idea of a pathway connecting T-headGap to the back of craftsman valley? I don't want to have to walk through crowds of old people at the entrance just to get to the new B&M!


    Great pictures Jarve, even if you did forget the tripod...sigh...



  6. FYI, that park has looked like that for the last 16 or so years I've lived in and around Guerneville. The area where the park is located is right in the middle of the Speed-Freak Meth-Woods.


    I've seen that park flooded by the nearby Russian river at least a half dozen times. Those rides are just lumped up in a pile on the street with all of the trailers people drag out of the woods until the water subsides.


    As for the coaster itself I don't believe it has ever been maintained. The block brakes were just strips of rotted wood last time I saw it running. Monica needed the credit so I just stood back and watched.


    I'd ridden the thing in 6th grade (14 years ago) and it was a POS back then.


    The rest of the park consisted of a very creaky round-up, a go-kart track, a tilt-o-whirl, and one of the worst water slides I've ever been on. You know, the kind you have to stand up and walk out halfway down. The park in total is only about an acre and a half.


    The best part of the park for us was the arcade. Basically a halfdozen videogames and a moldy pool table inside of a moldy plywood shack. Still, it was the only place around with Street Fighter II and a Mortal Kombat II machine.


    Hey J's, F U! Good riddence to this piece of crap park.



    slightly bitter about having to live in moldy meth-woods, thanks a lot parents.

  7. I got your Wii Saddam Gumball. I think he needs a bigger mustache though. Did you get my Wii Stormtrooper yet?


    You guys have got to see this:



    Hey man, I'll put you on tomarrow. Wii Sports just gave me batters elbow. Does anyone else foul out like every time?


    Raptorboy, you're added! I just got your Mii Kyle, awesome!

    Now if Wes and wally will just get back to me I can send them my Barry Hom!


    Some of my work below...


    Just needs a fanny pack...


    "These aren't the droids you're looking for"


    It's Peter Griffin!


    Hi Barry!

  8. ^ Give the developers time to learn the hardware. These are only launch titles so far. The best looking game out right now is actually a GameCube title anyway.


    Has anyone had any luck finding the DS/Wii USB wifi adapter yet? My router is wired and the wii doesen't have an ethernet port. I need to let my Hitler Mii invade your consoles!


    My Dick Chaney Mii came out suprisingly realistic, and menacing. He already tried to shoot my KKKramer mii in the face!


    Insanity going down in wiiville...



  9. Got to Gamestop with Wally at 2 in the morning and set up my tent right in front of the door.


    As soon as I did a trio of kids came across the parking lot and got in line behind us.


    I'm glad we got there when we did because there were exactly 5 Wii's. The wait wasn't too bad, at one point I had 2 asian chicks in my tent (sweet) with me in my sleeping bag and dead body blanket I stole from the hospital. Why bodies need to be warm I'll never know...


    Got my Wii and got the hell out. The other 20 or so people in line didn't seem to share my enthusiasm but thats what they get for showing up at 6 (losers).


    So far I've managed not to break anything with my Wiimotes yet, and the Rayman game is I-N-S-A-N-E.



    Happy Don

  10. ^ Have you smelled the velcro restraints on it recently? The smell like a rank/moldy-ass gym bag full of acer socks. I say good riddence.


    Does Mack make raft rides? The one at Europa was pretty sweet. I wouldn't mind an upgrade. Raft tech has come a long way since, what, 1988? How old is this ride anyway?


    In my opinion the ride has been gone since the bigfoot in the tunnel moved to the desert and started working street corners. It's been a long, slow death.


    RIP my wookie friend.



  11. There were actually 3 autopias at one time. The first Autopia didn't have guide bars. They actually left it up to you not to jack-knife the whole ride.


    For the little ones they had a "junior" autopia with a guide bar. I believe that's the one you have pictured.


    There was yet another even more junior version called the "Midget Autopia" which was little more than an outdoor darkride with an electric bus bar.


    Awesome pictures, nice find man. That was the year before the Matterhorn, Monorail, and subs went in. Weird that there didn't seem to be much site prep going on.


    I guess you could build a ride much quicker back then without enviromental regulations and such. Hell, they probably used asbestos and chimpanzee's! they were probably built in a week!



  12. I've wanted to go check this out for a while.


    When is the park closing? I'd like to go but I don't know when I'll be back in the area, and lord knows I don't want another excuse to try and ride Kingda Ka again (I'm currently 0-3 on that )


    Good to hear that the ride is fun at least. And see, James DOES go to parks that are open occasionally!



  13. The only two I need is #7 and the last one from Don.


    LOL, those are the two I need as well! I really should get my DVD orders caught up.


    I'm hoping to pick up Guy's new one as soon as I can. If you guys have another Xmas ornament that would make the purchase even sweeter.


    Maybe I could get some sort of Affiliate Member discount...


    ...then I could sell them on ebay and reap the benefits!!


    -Don "Worked for the PS3" Garrison

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