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Jeezus Juice

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Posts posted by Jeezus Juice

  1. ^ What's the point? After what I went through yesterday this tattoo better be there for life.


    I really like them and all, but these hurt so damn much, I don't know how much more I can take. I'm thinking my next one (matterhorn) may be my last one for a while...unless I join a gang or something of course!



  2. Well, I guess I should know better than to go down to the tattoo shop to just "hang out".


    My artist friend guy and I were just talking and ended up giving me this nice little suprise for Monica!


    Here's where I'm rocking it. Topless photo! OMG!


    If you ever see it from this angle, bad times be comin', says I.


    Thar be coins!


    Nice jewel, argg...


    Close-up of the grill.


    I wanted him to have some street cred so we gave him a gold "toof"


    Rarrr! I'm a skull with jewels and stuff!

  3. I'd like to point out that in the begining of the video he has his creepy sack of doom that he carries with him everywhere. Proof that he brings it with him INTO the park. It's not from stuff he gets while AT the park.


    What's in the bag?! A severed head? Used tampons he collects from restrooms? Flyers left over from his flyer handing out job? What!!!


    Also, what is the dude behind him doing whenthe train comes back to the station. Looks like he's attempting to ghost ride his own whip. Which reminds me of the BEST RUMOR EVER about this guy.


    This is a RUMOR, it may not be true, but word has reached my from those who would know that Mantis Man had recieved a temporary ban after he was caught masterbating in one of the restrooms.


    Now, Knotts has a legion of weirdos so it could have been any one of them. But still...ewww youuu...


    Maybe if he really cares about the ride that much he could paint it a bit since he's there all the time. The thing is pink now, come on!



  4. ^ LOL, I KNOW that guy!


    I met him in 05 on an ECC trip. I said that I'd been on most everything in CA except for the stupid kiddie coasters and stuff.


    He then told me about his awesome trip to all of the crappy kiddie costers in CA. He's part of the reason I actually went out there to ride them!


    Except for that one. Driving all the way out to Tahoe outside of ski season is not worth anything, even a kiddie coaster. I did get the ones in Sac, Concord, Lodi, and the 2 in Fresno though!



  5. While it may not be the true origion of the "Mantis Man" name, the first I saw of it was on anAbsolutely Relaible article.


    Mantis Man: Enthusiast, or Super Villain?


    Buena Park, CA: Ride operators on Knott's Berry Farm's popular Xcelerator thrill coaster got a lesson in loading Tuesday by an enthusiast only known as "Mantis Man." "He’s been here all day," said one of the park employees, clearly not sure whether to be amused or frightened by Mantis Man’s actions. "We can’t get him off of the platform."


    Mantis Man's M.O., it appeared, was to linger on the exit platform and spring, insect-like, into any available seat. When the open seat was on the loading side of the platform, this bold enthusiast did not hesitate to tell people to move.


    Hit the link for a picture of the masked super villian in action!


    BTW, that TOTALLY needs to be a Haunt character. Someone with a bug face and a Mantis shirt chasing people around the park on a bicycle!



  6. Well, the thing is, most of the year Knotts is completely dead and the ops will let you sit on Xcelerator as long as there in an empty seat, which I totally appreciate. And yes, it's awesome that a 60 year old guy bikes to the park and hangs out on an awesome ride.


    What gets me about the guy is the crazy random stuff he does. He's obviously obsessive compulsive. He's got this whole ritual down where he has to count before each launch, somtimes multiple times to get it "right". Usually he does it into his hand or shirt collar to...avoid drawing attention i guess?


    I'm not trying to be mean to the guy or anything. I only hope I live long enough to be some creep power-riding a coaster. Something about him just facinates/creeps me out. I'm totally a fan of watching this guy, mumbles and all!


    ^^Awesome story bubba, coaster people piss me off sometimes. I love throwing out knowingly false stats to coaster "professionals" and watching them get super mad! All kinds of gravy sweat begins to form on their brow...love it!



  7. Krieger climbed into the front seat of the hotrod car, with friend Nancy Davidson by his side exclaiming, "LET'S GO!"


    Ahh Mantis Man. I just love how you do that countdown into your hand, and the way you mumble psychotic stuff into your shirt collar on the brake run.


    ready...set...g...go...damn! Messed up again! I wonder if he goes home and cuts himself if he doesen't reach his daily xcelerator goal.


    Real conversation:


    ME: (while seated behind him on Xcelerator) This is the tallest coaster on the planet.




    ME:Oh right. The green tiger one.




    ME: I think that's the red one...Maverick, at Hershey Park. I've ridden that.




    ME: No, I think you mean Kanonen, at Alton Towers.




    Then it was time for his ritual countdown to launch into his hand. Beware kids.


    If you see this man, get an adult IMMEDIATELY!!

  8. I think it was the one where Elissa was hooked up to heart monitoring equipment and tested her heart rate while riding Goliath.


    If that is true then it must have been hysterical to watch. I can just imagine her heart rate dropping as she passes out from boredom.


    Wasn't she the president of the Florida Coaster Club?


    Yes, and she also wrestled a bear, sucker punched a gorilla, and started 19 Freemason lodges throughout the state of Alaska. It was on "The Ultimate Thrill IV".

  9. Ah man, I loves me some Thunder Dolphin! It's not the best only because some of the other Intamins are so damn good!


    What's the status of the Tobu Zoo coaster? I'm guessing this is what they picked to replace Mt. Rocky? Good choice in that case, even if I missed the credit.


    I'm really curious when this will be open, like maybe early Marchish.


    Where is Chris Belson?! I know he must have a Stargate or something. I'm sure he wouldn't mind popping over for a PTR. I hope he brings his construction helmet!





    No love from the Tobu website yet, although I though I found something good when I saw this:

    * New attraction* Coming Soon!! In the Tobu animal park outer space!? Experience type attraction of the new feeling which designates “space exploration” as concept opens this spring! The japanese first indoor type attraction which reproduces the outer space making use of the mirror. From the child way to the aged person it has become the contents which can be enjoyed. In everyone pleasure* Start of business: 2007 middle of March fee: Undecided


    I'm guessing this is what's going into the simulator building behind the looping mouse. Unless the Japanese have found a way to inclose a hyper coaster!!

  10. OK, I'm being a dork, but here is a scale layout of Disneyland, DCA, Tokyo Disneyland, Disney Sea, and the farm plus the connecting Cast Member parking.


    I never noticed that the cast lot is actually connected to the farm. The combined area is roughly the size of DCA plus the Grand Californian hotel and expansion room. It now seems totally feasable for a good sized park to fit there, especially if Disney is able to buy out the crappy motels along Katella. I'm looking at you Little Boy Blue, Rivera, and Lamp Lighter!




    Little Boy Blue motel. Ugh...don't EVER stay here.


    Look at how much bigger TDL is compared to Disneyland. I wonder how it compares to the Magic Kingdom?

  11. ^ Yeah, the bought the farm already. Part of it has become the Buzz Lightyear parking lot, although I'm not sure what they use it for. Most of the farm is still in operation, including the fruit stand.


    The theme park concept is really interesting. It looks as though it could be a new type of generic/amalgam park that they could drop into new markets. A carribean town could house Pirates/Haunted Mansion. A European port could have all of the dark ride staples. Run a train around the whole thing and you got yourself a barnd new Disney style park you can mass produce and drop all over Aisa! And maybe one more for Florida.


    This looks to be based heavily on the new "Pirate town" for Hong Kong. With a new style POTC as an anchor I can see this concept doing quite well.




    Here's an overview of the Anahiem resort so you can see what kind of room they have to work with.

  12. Cool, I finally have time to respond to your topic.


    My wife and I did a massive cross-country trip in 2004. We went to 45-50 parks in about 45 days for around $5,000.

    For reference: SoCal-SFFT-SFAW-SFOT-FC-Bells-WOF-SDC-SFStL-HW-PKI-DW-PCW-PKD-BGW-WashingtonDC-SFA-SFGAdv-NYC(coney,playland)-Quassy-SFNE-Grestescape-LaRonde-PCW-Niagra-MFI-Seabreeze-SFDL-Wald-CP-Funspot-MiA-IB-SFGAm-Dells-VF-Adventureland-SFEG-Lagoon-Reno-Norcal


    We're also doing it again this year, with a route similar to yours. I have a few things to recommend:



    We used KOA campgrounds almost exclusively. Tent sites averaged $20 a night. There is a free KOA guide book available with phone numbers, locations, prices, and facility listings nationwide. You can even get a discount card that gets you 10-20% off each stay. You don't need a lot of equipment. We do "car camping" where the only extra stuff we bring is a small dome tent, sleeping bags, and toiletries.

    The savings add up. The last thing you want to do is settle for some fleabag motel for $90 because it's late at night and you're tired of driving. That will eat up your budget quick!


    2. Forget Florida!

    I know it's tempting but the last thing your going to want to do after 2 weeks on the road is a 16 roundtrip down the penninsula to a place that requires a week or more to truly enjoy...especially in the summer.

    Fly down to florida in october or january when you have nothing to do, prices are the cheapest, weather is the best, and crowds are non-existant.

    We were planning on the same thing but after Dollywood heading for the atlantic coast and points north was a MUCH better idea than florida would've been!


    3.Get a map

    It sound obvious but this helped me out a lot. I went to AAA and got a full map of the US and put it on my wall. I took a hi-lighter and marked everthing of interest I could find, even if I didn't think I'd be going there. That made it MUCH easier to just "connect the dots" and find the most efficient route. It saved on backtracking and helped me add things I'd be close too, ect.

    Also, you're going with 2 other people. It will help having a large map to go over so you are all on the same page as to what you want to see, scope, driving distances ect. An unhappy person in the back seat can ruin a trip.


    4. Season passes?

    I'm assuming you are probably interested in amusment parks (why else would you be here? ) Having a Six Flags pass, and especially a Cedar Fair (knotts) pass will make it very easy to stop at which ever park you're driving by, SFKK for example, and run in for an hour or so and grab some credits. This saves you time and a ton of cash, and you get to see a lot of new things quickly and easily.


    I can't wait to join you on the road this summer. We are heading out in May (and again in August) for another month-long coaster trip. This time we're heading out to SLC and up to Yellowstone-Rushmore-Minnesota-Dells-CP-PA- to WV to look at houses. We're sweeping through the south to pick up some park and state credits and going back to CA somehow, haven't decided on the best route yet.


    Let me know if you have any more questions!


    -Don "Highway Star" Garrison

  13. I was going to push somebody in front of a train and then I didn't, does that count?


    I xrayed this guy that shot himself in the head. I totally got to look right through a 1 inch hole at his brain cabbage, couldn't stick my finger in though...even though I had gloves on.


    Dude totally died, but it's not like I could have done anything. Kinda hard to live with a huge hole in your head. guess he shoulda thought about that! LOL!


    I've saved myself from dying all kinds of times. You could say I'm somewhat accident prone!



  14. That is horrible. So if the article is true then the ride was stopped in the first 20 seconds.


    Anyone that has ridden these can vouch that the ride doesen't get to spinng full tilt until a minute and a half or so. She must have really been trying to have fallen that early in the ride's cycle. Still, those platforms are huge and heavy, and it wouldn't take much at all to cripple you.

    A similar incident happened with the carousel of progress at disneyland several years ago.


    I wonder what kind of effect this will have locally after Lotte World has shut down due to safety concerns.



  15. Even after she says no, which she most certainly will, you guys will have each other...and Air Supply...but mostly each other.


    Biggie Smalls had a hellacious grip on that cane, like he thought it was a chocodile or something.


    Good stuff!



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