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Jeezus Juice

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Posts posted by Jeezus Juice

  1. Thanks for the photos! I enjoyed them so much I just booked my trip out there. I'll be at the park on 27 June. Hopefully Atlantis is open by then!


    I've been hearing stories about this park for a few years from my stepdad from when he went in like the 80's or something. We drove by the park last year and I was totally crushed that we didn't have time to go.


    See you soon! If you have any discount coupons laying around, PM some my way.



  2. Well, it's been about 3 weeks so you know what that means!


    Took about 2 hours and hurt way the hell less than my last one. See Jeremy, I'm not as big of a puss as you think I am! LOL!




    Now I got me some hot ass pirate booty whenever I want. Woot!


    BAM! There it is! Slightly changed to make it tattoo friendly.


    Do you guys remember this?

  3. Whats the point of a park building something that big if it wont have any records.


    Because it will be a kick ass ride. Records are solely for marketing purposes, and they're usually exaggerated anyway.


    A giga would definately get me back to the park, and I think that's the real point. Their drop ride alone is reason enough to get me back though!


    ^^ That's for this years coaster Desert Race, not the rumored 331 footer.

  4. This park is totally the sleeper hit of Europe. For all of the attention that Europa, Phantasia, Alton, DLP get ect. Heide seems relatively forgotten way out there in the corner of Germany.


    I don't think that Desert Race would impact a giga at all. Especially considering the park has 2 of everything as it is. Also don't forget they have a new hotel this year too. Nothing like a $25 million Intamin to fill hotel rooms!

  5. ^ No, that's the replacement for their indoor spacey, um...show I guess? They were working on it last time I was there.


    I TOLD you that wasn't about the coaster! I'm putting you on starbucks restriction until after we get back.


    I swear I'm going to have to get one of those child harnesses for you when we get there, so you won't get yourself in trouble. Like get left behind at a love hotel or something!




    "Hmm...maybe I can use my harness at the love hotel..."


    I went ahead and ordered one already, they were all out of domokun though.

  6. I don't get it. Outside of central florida DC is probably the cheapest place you can possibly visit.


    Every museum and monument is free. A day pass on the metro is like 8 bucks. A sheet of $1 bills at the mint is less than $10. What did you guys spend all of your money on? LOL


    Monica and I go there all of the time. Parking is cheap at metro stations, there are tons of parks in the area. We always enjoy it. Plus where else can you stand in an actual holocaust railcar (outside of nazi germany anyway )


    Go to DC, it's awesome! Be sure to moon some government buildings while you're there!

  7. Alright we get it, PKI is the best park in the universe. The Beast is an airtime machine. Boomerang Bay is the best ev.


    Why do you have to keep rubbing our faces in the fact that we don't live in OH, and therefore suck.


    I am shocked...SHOCKED that coaster con has yet to be held in Norwood. I mean, it's NORWOOD. Who doesn't know exactly what that is...come on!


    Someday I will move to Ohio, and we can hold hands on the Racer and talk about how it's a SHADOW OF IT'S FORMER SELF!!


    ::cries while watching the Brady Bunch Kings Island episode...sniff::

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