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Jeezus Juice

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Posts posted by Jeezus Juice

  1. See, here's the thing. He'll never be impeached, he'll resign before that just like Nixon did. If you are impeached you become ineligible for a pardon. If you resign you can recieve the pardon and never be brought to justice.


    He's probably make up some lame excuse too, like "to spend more time with his family" or some other cop out. The only reason I can see for not pursuing an impeachment is so that after his term he can be sent to The Hauge for the internationl criminal court to deal with.


    I would so love to see an impeachment though...sigh...



  2. ^ and ^^ and ^^^ and ^^^^I seriously love all you guys!


    See, you are using logic and intellect as a way to approach a problem. Right now our government is controlled by corporate greed. The same corporations also control a lot of the major media outlets in this country. While you guys in Europe actually see whats happening on the news services the majority of media in the US is focused on who Lindsey Lohan is dating and how the Iraqis are to blame for not "stepping up to take responsibility for themselves".


    The current strategy is to shift the blame from the Bush administration to the Iraqi people. As if it's their fault for the huge mismanagement of resources, lives, and money.


    I like how when I travel the world I get to see actual news on CNN World and the BBC, where they show what is actually going on in the middle east. Over here its all "Hannity's World" on Fox News 24/7 with fluff pieces and nationalistic flag waving garbage.


    What some americans fail to realize is that every Humvee/tank/troop transport that gets destroyed has to be replaced. The spiraling debt is going to kill our economy. In the end, even if Iraq becomes a 5 star resort paradise (unlikely) it will never be worth what we paid for it with lives, capital, and reputation.


    Please Denmark, let me move there! I'll sweep the midways at Bakken! I'll clean bier steins, anything!



  3. SATURDAY- Drive from KC to PKI

    SUNDAY- Spend the day at PKI

    MONDAY-Drive to Cedar Point

    TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY- Spend the day at Cedar Point

    THURSDAY- Drive to Holiday World

    FRIDAY- Spend day at Holiday World

    SATURDAY- Drive home


    The only thing I'd suggest is on monday the drive to cedar point should only be 3-4 hours from PKI. If you get an early start you can have an easy 1/2-full day there. I'm assuming you're getting a maxx pass of some sort too.


    I know it's not a huge deal, but SFKK is right between PKI and HW, if you haven't been.


    Another thing to consider is staying in Columbus or somewhere else along the way sunday night so you'll have less of a drive to the point on monday.


    Otherwise your schedual looks good. I know many of us, myself included, have done the same midwest triangle many times.


    If I personally was doing it:


    Sat- Drive

    Sun- PKI

    Mon/tues- CP

    Wed- CP then drive to Louisville

    Thurs- SFKK, Beech Bend, drive to Evansville

    Fri- HW

    Sat- Drive home


    Looks like a fun trip! Hope this helps!



  4. ^ Sweet, Celtic!


    LOL Don it seems like you get a new tattoo every month. Are you going for the head-to-toe tattoo look?


    I gotta stay a step ahead of Derek. Between his drinking and having tattoo inspiration printed on whatever bottle is in his hand he'll be covered in no time!


    The left arm is fire and incorporates a phoenix and other fire elements.


    The right arm is water and incorporates an octopus and other water elements.


    I was thinking of the same thing initially too, only one arm was going to be oysters and the other one was going to be crackers...you know, like oyster crackers? The guys at the tattoo shop didn't get it.





  5. Look, it's a sick sad world we live in. It sucks when anyone dies. I however didn't cause any of this personally so I can only partake as a casual outside observer.


    Perhaps by watching the video I can learn a bit more about the world that we live in, and try to understand why things happen the way that they do.


    Saddam is dead, the kurds are dead, solidiers are dead, civilians are dead, and war is profitable. Thats how it looks to me, but I'm not there and I'm not involved so all I can do is watch videos on the internets.


    Oh, and LOL at the haunted mansion guy, that's just dumb. I can totally hear that being said with an Old Milwaukee slur.


    edit to fix my lame spelling.



    Apperently Saddams ghost is alive and well in Baghdad.


    Hey Jo-Leen! Lookit Saddam a-swingin' up thar! ::Beltch::

  6. My name is Don and I'm freaking awesome. I've been banned by two seperate amusment parks but never arrested!!


    Coasters are OK but I'm WAY more interested in Log Flumes and Nachos. Man I love nachos.


    This summer I will finally go to Finland so I can ride some GOOD coasters and up my count.


    Nice to meet you all!



  7. ^ Well sure, unless your spinal cord is severed your heart will continue to beat until the O2 in your blood is used up.


    I'd imagine that your diaphram would spasm trying to get air in your lungs as well.


    Can't wait for the video to see how an actual hanging is done, not that fake hollywood crap.



  8. Nice Photo TR!!! It's so nice to see something other than Universal Studios. Thanks for posting.


    Wally "I need to ride a Star Flyer" Weiss


    Why don't you fly out and meet us there in July. We'll just be kicking back with some awesomely huge stiens of Danish Bier and checking out women (well, me mostly).


    I had an awesome time at Tivoli this year. The park has so many rides crammed everywhere, and I got an ice cream cone the size of Dan's head! It was great!


    That funhouse is pretty crazy, thanks for sharing!



  9. Good times but some of those jelly bean flavors are just wrong! Espacially those ones I got in my box that tasted like potting soil...and I got like 4 of them! How much potting soil taste do I need in my mouth?! Seriously Jelly Belly...seriously.


    That coaster is pretty sweet though. I got some decent air off the first drop and then the second hill. Now that park just needs to get a hyper and bought by Cedar Fair, it's only a matter of time!


    Have fun on your cruise Ryan, I'll probably see you guys again at Solace. Plus I'm sure Ryan's going to tag along with us to Japan in March.


    Thanks Rick for the heads up on the backed cookie thing. Pizzookies are family!



  10. I still don't quite understand the "Cars on Sticks" attraction. Either does anyone else apperently...


    And LOL at Joey's dumb no airtime/no fire Mummy Movie Ride being compared to 4(mmm). They are both so excruciatingly average...just like Joey!


    I guess Uni Hollywood is just the park that's really not worth the drive out there, unless you're from Japan or something.


    You may actually finish this PTR! I'm actually impressed!


    See you in 6 months!


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