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Jeezus Juice

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Posts posted by Jeezus Juice

  1. So glad that BTTF is finally gone. That ride was so not fun in just about every way. Slow uninteresting queue, lame preshow, lackluster ride...


    Hopefully they put something good in it's place...like a giant ball pit with diving boards! It has nothing to do with movies or anything but man, that would kick so much ass!


    I'm all for Hollywood dream going in btw. Especially if they found a way for you to upload your own music to your seat! Roller coasters and Gwar...that's what I want!!

  2. From cbs13.com


    SACRAMENTO Screams on a thrill ride, it's hard to imagine a ride without them. One local community is saying keep your mouth shut as you enjoy the ride.


    It turns out that noise is just one part of the dispute. We are looking over residential rooftops toward The Scandia Screamer, a thrill ride that's thrilling customers but it's also irritating to neighbors who are threatening to sue.


    At 168 feet tall, spinning at 60 miles an hour, pulling 3.5 gs, there is no thrill in Sacramento that compares with this screamer.


    “It was breathtaking,” said one rider.


    In fact, you're not allowed to scream.


    Neighbors who live in the shadow of the new ride across I-80 complained about the noise, so management at the Scandia Family Fun Center enacted a strict policy.


    “There is no noise on the ride,” said a park employee.


    “If you feel like you might make noise cover your mouth like this because if we can hear a noise we're required to take you off the ride so it's aggressive,” said Steve Baddley, Scandia’s general manager. “We believe we're taking every effort to make this a really mutually-beneficial relationship between the business owner the county and the residents,” said Steve


    During our visit people were getting bumped off for sounding out.


    “I didn't think we were that loud,” said one rider who was ejected. “It’s hard to tell. It’s a human reaction to yell when you’re going in the sky, face-down on the freeway.”


    But neighbors we talked to said the sound isn’t the only problem. They say it’s an eyesore at night when it’s all lit up.


    “It's like going from fire crackers to the atomic bomb,” said Mike Bayless, neighbor. “I mean, it’s like you’re going from small family entertainment to something that's grossly grossly out-of-place out of place in a neighborhood.”


    And then there's the issue of privacy.


    “And when they’re on the top of that thing they’re looking right down in my backyard,” said John Eams, neighbor.


    And now, there’s even talk amongst the neighbors of a class-action lawsuit.


    “I'm certainly willing to participate in the class action lawsuit but it's going to be a long road to hoe and I'm sure we will see great loss in our property values in the interim,” said Bayless.


    “I would love to hear your opinions and options. Help us implement policy or words to policy that you think might be more effective” said Baddley.


    The county approved this ride after taking a lot of public input, but the neighbors say their input was not adequately considered. For Scandia’s side, they say they chose this particular ride because it's one of the quietest thrill rides that you can get as far as the motor. They say they needed the ride to stay viable in a competitive marketplace.


    People screaming on a Skyscraper, OMG panic!


    The best part is where the guys is all upset because "people can see into my backyard, OMG!" Does he have a meth lab or something back there? Who cares about your crappy yard!


    The part about this that absolutely KILLS is the fact that the park AND these houses are right along the FREEWAY! Hello!


    I'm not only praying that this gets thrown out of court but that the judge slaps the crap out of the backyard meth guy.


    construction pics of the ride in question




    Aghh! TOO LOUD!!!

  3. Sanjaya reminds me of Klinger from M*A*S*H. He's doing all he can to get kicked out so he can just go home but no one will let him!


    I think it's hilarious that so many people are voting just to keep him in because he sucks!


    I'm still calling Melinda, Kisha, and Blake in the finals; however I think we'll have Sandyvagina for a few more weeks at least.



  4. Looks like it will be totally retracked when they rebuild as well. i'm glad there are finally getting away from the stupid Tulsa local government.


    Let's hope this time they find some land without any lame neighbors!


    Still, it's sad that while they may be saving the log flume, all of the homemade dinosaur themeing will be destroyed.


    Stupid Tulsa! And your Waffle House sucks!



  5. Tell me again why this is better than...I don't know...an actual ride maybe?


    They tured our Circlevision into a darkride, nothing major but it's fun. They took out your admittingly enjoyable show for one that's not so great?


    That's absurd. especially after what they did to XS Tech across the way. I was talking to Joe Rohde the other day about it and he said that he was pretty much "hands off" on the whole thing, and it really shows.



  6. Isn't there a park right next to Wet 'n' Wild? I don't see what's so bad about a waterpark getting rides. I wish more of them would build coasters and stuff.


    Plus, would it be possible to have massive water elements? Like two waterfalls on each side. I'm sure the electronics are outdoor grade and could handle it.


    Plus riding a coaster in nothing but a speedo or a thong sounds like an awesomely fantastic idea! Unless you're a fattie or something, in which case you wouldn't be able to fit on an Intamin ride anyway! LOL


    Hey Aussies, have you guys caught the American double wide Wal*Mart obiesity virus over there at all? It's getting kinda hard to breathe over here, all kinds of sweaty backs 'n such. Gross.


    Sorry to derail the topic!



  7. After looking at the track pieces again I noticed what can only be a cap piece for a half pipe. That, plus the rest of the track having the same radius looks to confirm it. I guess they're using standard track for halfpipes now. I kinda wonder what the trains will look like.




    Unless it goes from tri to double track, I'd say this is the vertical piece of the halfpipe. Thanks Oz Coaster!

  8. Well, the only ball coaster picture I've seen was the concept mock up and that had the standard box track. I doubt that is what this is because the box track is nessisary as the seats mount on the sides.


    I'm really not sure what this is, unless they're using smaller trains on their halfpipes now.




    edit- Found these images at www.coastersandmore.de I think they are from a press release as I've seen them elsewhere before. Looks like the ball coasters do use only the top rails, so tri track could be used.


    This model uses LSMs. The new one's opening in Spain and Finland this year will use standard chain lifts though. Maybe because they are designed for heavier trains?


    The ride vehicle travels only on the top two rails just like standard Intamin trains.

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