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Jeezus Juice

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Posts posted by Jeezus Juice

  1. Funny story. One of the Maritime Hall shows in San Francisco, must've been "Wicked Clowns from Outer Space Tour", during the faygo break the clowns would dump buckets of soda on you then buckets of this mylar confetti.

    The stuff would stick to your neck/ go down your shirt, generally annoy you and get absolutely everywere.


    3 months later I am somehow working in the kitchen serving food to the crew for a Soulfly show and I head up to the green room with a pitcher of salsa. There was still that damn mylar confetti all over the stairs, walls, everywhere.


    Thats some staying power.



  2. Since I can't go a week without finding some kind of Clown Love on these boards I'm f'n start my own thread.


    And I guess it's just going to be...me, for now but thats OK. I got lots of fresh things to say.


    First off, I'm really feeling Jumpsteadys new new. I wasn't really feeling Chaos Theory that much, but Guillotine had me at "I sharpen my blades up!"


    Word, nerd.


    4 those of U that have clue zero as to what I'm saying just follow along and enjoy the sceanery...err...Sean Connery...or whatever.



  3. So far I've used "Ghettoblaster" from the VoodooGlowSkulls and "In Da House" from the Kottonmouth Kings for my 2005 video.The season just started and already I have segments done for this year!


    Personally I try to stay away from the "radio songs" that other people use. How many people had "Perfect Day" in their vids last year?


    -Jeezus Juice, ahead of the game.

  4. W-----W-----W------TTTTTTTTTTTTTT-----FFFFFFFFFFFFF------?????









    Dubai is a strange place


    screw l337, its all about acsii


    Yes, i'm 12 years old

    yes, that took 30 min.

    and yes, I'm supposed to be working right now



  5. Coaster who? Buzz what? Never heard of it


    j/k Welcome to the boards! Grab a Donkey from the cart on the right and head up the stairs!


    These boards are seriously blowing up. And thank god there's no pop ups.


    Plus I can pretty much guarantee you that their will be 56% fewer flamewars about snow in WI in april and no endless debating weather Valleyfair! or WoF are better, because they both suck!



    -Tha Juuuze

  6. What is the best way to save edited segments to put on a DVD at a later time?

    I want to edit as I go this summer and then take all the segments at the end of the year and put them on a DVD. Rather than take 2-3 weeks and do it all at once like I did this year.

    Should I save them as .avi files and compress them or are MPEGs better?



  7. I made an excel spreadsheet and hotlinked the coasters name with it's picture in folder. That way as someone peruses my count, they can click on a name and the picture pops up.

    Now why someone would actually care to read my count is something else entirely.


    As for my counting rules:


    Dualies: Two tracks=two coasters. It's not my fault they share the same support structure.


    Moebius tracks: Two credits. And really, there's only two of these in the world so it's not like it's going to artificially inflate my count that much. If you can make it to Kennywood AND Blackpool you deserve the +2 bump IMO.


    Relocated: Count them twice. Again this doesen't come up much either untill you've been at this awhile. So far the only one I've done is Stealth/Borg.


    Severly Altered Coasters: If a coaster has a signifigant change to it's track I'll count it again. i.e. V2->V2.5 at SFMW. Retracking doesent warrant a recount and either does turning the train around.


    Journey to Atlantis is a Mack water coaster, it's not my fault that they ordered more water than coaster. 8)


    And just to anger some people I count Devils Den at Conneaut as a wooden coaster. Partly due to the chain lift and drop, partly because toboggan was down and I didn't get the credit.


    For the record I would only count Standing and Looping coaster as 1 just so I wouldn't have to ride the stand-up train!


    Tha Jooze

    378 By my count, 377 on coastercounter

  8. What editing program do you use? Also do you have a seperate DVD authoring program or is it integrated in the edit software?


    I used Pinnacle Studio 9 this year and it was pretty easy. I was able to add music to the menus but couldn't figure out custom backgrounds or easter eggs.


    -The Juice

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