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Everything posted by TonyaGaddy

  1. I'm just wondering where they got the other sterring wheel....
  2. I really have no desire to ride this one. It seems like the Matterhorn and the Train ride as on. blah.
  3. Shame on you! Oregon State University is so much better! GO BEAVERS!!! What's your favorite college mascot? Where's your question you cycle breaker.. lol
  4. I know. A lot of strange people listen to that band though.
  5. What's Gilmore Girls? Is the government corrupted?
  6. Save up enough money to by the camcorder of my dreams.
  7. Probably DDR or my H.I.M. hoodie. What's your most embarassing moment?
  8. the rattling sounds of karaoke from my fellow family members. lol...so funny. Right now, they're singing Headstrong...at the "power" point. I wish I was listening to H.I.M. or Motley Crue.
  9. I'm in love with that movie and anything produced by Burton. He rocks. I love dark and meloncholy movies.
  10. Yes If I could save up some cash I am going either to Seattle, NewPort, or grand ole Canada. Do you like the theme parks by your house? >>>ah Canada, home of the ale and streakers.
  11. I'm not tryng to be stupid, but what titles?
  12. Yeah, I prefer the Disneyland though, it's more home friendly.
  13. I bet, yeah I don't know. I went in the summer. Wasn't that crowded. Thanks anyways.
  14. How fun. I bet it's quite cool on those coasters, especially when theres snow everywhere. That be like riding a roller coaster right now where I live. lol Awesome. A Hello Kitty park could possibly kill me, I hate Hello Kitty. It would seem to peppy for me.
  15. lol, I like the smell of gasoline.
  16. What is your favorite drink in Winter time?
  17. I am going to Disney and Universal, parks like that in California next December... do you have any suggestions for my planning and such? I've been down there once, I loved it, compared to Orlando atleast. I wentr we they started construction on California Adventure, but I have no desire to go there.
  18. That's quite a disappointment, with such a different type of movie, Disney could have made an awesome ride. They could have just took the door scenes and made a mini coaster out of it. But no, they have to be cheap and unoriginal.
  19. Yeah, I'm turning 17 in early Feb, she just turned that age. Her first time being a mama, she had a miscarriage. This girl is crazy. She smokes and sits on concrete at work. She's messed up.
  20. It should have, we had a few feet of snow a few days ago but then it started to rain. Bummer. I love snow, and all snow sports.
  21. Well someones been packing,... and eating asparagus.
  22. Wow, I'm a complainer, and what a thoughtful little area this is...Okay, I hate it when younger, newer employees boss you around because they're pregnant. Thus having me do the dirty work for a shift straight. And I also hate it when a customer comes to me to complain about one thing wrong when I have five minutes left of work having me keep after for an extra half hour. Or when kids come in a smash the creamers and thanks to miss momma, I have to go mop a huge mess.
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