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Everything posted by RNRC

  1. Busch Gardens for me. A woodie, a dive coaster, an inverted coaster, steel sit-down, a corkscrew, a wild mouse and a looping family coaster make a park perfect for me.
  2. Lol. Well I'm sure that for whatever reason they were kicked out, they deserved it. I loved the Stealth footage.
  3. What's a Patriot? Um...No? Are you an adult?
  4. Yes. Are there such things as a bad log flume?
  5. Hi there. I'm afraid I'm not sure what a power surge is but I'm sure somebody else will know. Robb or Elissa will probably know.
  6. Awesome video Robb. Do you know why they were kicked out of the park?
  7. Hi. I used to be scared of going upsidedown but it's not as awful or scary as you may imagine. On some loops, you don't even feel upsidedown completly. But I imagined them to be a lot worse than they were. I'd say inversions arn't as frightening as launches or vertical drops. I recently advised a friend of mine who'd never ridden a thrill ride. he managed to go on the world's only ten-looping coaster and loved it. The only way to overcome your fear is to just get on a looping coaster. Trust me, you will feel totally secure and safe on a loop, barrol roll or boomerang. Hopefully, you'll enjoy it too. Hope this helps.
  8. No. Have you watched Bo'Selecta in backwards order?
  9. Yes. Did you know that I once spilt a can of Cola?
  10. I was eleven when I had my first coaster, The Vampire at Chessington. (a family suspended coaster) I hated it at the time. I only recently have decided I like coasters. When I was eleven and twelve I was forced onto coasters and hated them. But in the past few years I've grown to love them.
  11. I've recently ridden "The Cobra" at Paulton's Park. Usually I don't go there as it's a kiddie park, but their new coaster is great.
  12. Here's a few more I thought sounded nice. Veronica Alvey Miranda Alvey Pandora Alvey Tabatha Alvey Priscilla Alvey Francesca Alvey
  13. The rumours about a second Detonator was that it was going to be a launch version.
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