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Everything posted by devol4

  1. Definitely curious to see where this goes! Can't wait for an update!
  2. Epic! [MOD EDIT: SEE THE ABOVE POST- and GO READ YOUR PM's please.]
  3. Lovely! Dropped the package off today at the Post Office. Should be there Friday!
  4. Sending mine out first thing tomorrow morning! Hope it makes it there okay!
  5. Not on this site as much as I used to be, but definitely count me in! This sounds like fun!
  6. Yeah, it was closed for the last six weeks for their annual maintenance, and then this.. Hasn't had a good thing come of it :/
  7. It'll be great to see something new in the park other than SkyScream... I'm actually looking forward to this
  8. Didn't see this anywhere on the forums, so I figured I'd share. The Scandia Screamer, famous for it's no scream policy, collapsed under the weight of a collapsed construction crane this past week in Sacramento. The article can be read more in depth here.
  9. Got to six flags just around 6, headed into the park and got our little "blue star wristband" which Six Flags Employee's kept demanding to see everytime you wanted to get on a ride in the Oasis Plaza. Headed for Medusa since a majority of people were getting in line for Sky Screamer, waited about ten minutes to get on Medusa (would have been quicker, but of the three trains, only two were being loaded with passengers), got off and hopped right back on just as they opened up the third train, so the line went much faster. Headed over to Sky Screamer at 7:30, and stood in line until about 8:15 or so when we finally got on. Overall it's a good ride, fairly short though, I remember the one in Holiday Park back in Germany lasting a good five minutes or so. You get a great view of the park and the surrounding area, just wish they would've turned the ride's lights on. It was great timing too, because the group riding after us were stuck on it when it broke down for a good ten minutes or so. Now I just gotta go ride it nine more times to get my silver wings!
  10. On the way to the park right now, took a few minutes to find my season pass. Hopefully the majority of the kids are out by then!
  11. Gotta love how life swings things at you like that eh? Haha. I'm definitely psyched for tomorrow, not so much for the sky swing as Medusa.. But still psyched nonetheless ^^
  12. So who all is going? I was planning on coming down with a friend or two..
  13. Heck yeah! Sounds exciting! I've been down three times in the past few weeks waiting for the tower to be open. Plus, nothing beats Night Rides! Although I'm sure it won't be as exciting (or dark) as when Holiday Park did night rides on Expedition Ge-Force :/
  14. Found a few images on the DailyMail's website. Apparently, the land where the ride was being built is in the middle of a path that once connected Chertsey Abbey and Thorpe Church. This image was taken at Monk's Walk in Thorpe Park by the South West London Paranormal Society team who investigated the site. They said the vague white mist appeared in a number of images but was not visible to the naked eye. However, they did add that it could just as likely be to do with the weather as the paranormal Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1354393/Thorpe-Park-Storm-Surge-ride-Headless-monk-seen-workmen.html#ixzz1EMJz83js A figure (circled) appears in a photo of one of the investigation team (right). 'Is this just mist, or someone passing by? You decide' is the question posed by the group which investigated the claims of a headless monk wandering around the theme park Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1354393/Thorpe-Park-Storm-Surge-ride-Headless-monk-seen-workmen.html#ixzz1EMK3dxAL Forensic geophysicist Peter Masters, seen here in Thorpe Park, has been called in to analyse the site, using deep ground radar. He said: 'From the preliminary investigations, we have picked up signatures similar to that of a burial ground - possibly ancient' Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-1354393/Thorpe-Park-Storm-Surge-ride-Headless-monk-seen-workmen.html#ixzz1EMKAFClp
  15. Came across this article on StumbleUpon today. (Gotta love Firefox ) Read it and thought it was fake, but there's a few sites around the interwebs which carried a similar story. According to Jaunted.Com The article can be found here.
  16. Haha oh man, This makes me miss being stationed in Germany that much more. Can't wait to go back this summer and hit up good ol' Europa ^^
  17. Only 484 minutes to go! I'm in line just in front of @Traincrossin ^^
  18. Just stumbled across this gem of a park, and I must say, I'm impressed. I really liked the park It's parks like these that make me want to dust off my copy of the game and start playing again ^^ Thanks for sharing the park with us, and I can't wait to see what's in store for it!
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