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  1. Today, I am going to show you every update last one before the video
  2. After a small moment of absence, here is the continuation of the photos of PARANOIDE, then, I shall make you discover of other one of my creations. -PARANOÏDE - And here is the trailer of this creation: ============================================================ The Sheriff Academy (Interactive Theater Alterface) Here is the video of these outstanding interactive movies. ============================================================== - Thrill-Star - The man pushed away very far the limits of his journeys in the space. He has already colonized numerous planets and creates a mission of exploration consisted of scientists and elite soldiers. This team crosses the galaxy aboard a very special vessel called "Blizzard404". The vessel has just settled on a blackish planet completely covered with ashes and with ruins, vestiges of a former disaster. The team of Blizzard404 is not at the end of its surprises!
  3. Always so taken by time, at the moment I work enormously and not means to have a lot of time free. I am not going to be able to doubtless any more touch rct3 during a small moment, but before the project enters period of wintering, I wanted all the same to deliver you an update, that here is:
  4. Ha ha, yes indeed, they are girls made ^^ I have to find nothing of the other one to replace them ... thank you for your comment =====> Teaser PARANOÏDE <=====
  5. Do apologize for the delay because I did not have a lot of time to dedicate in rct3 at the moment. I destroyed the station and 200m of rails and decorations because the beginning was too resembling in Eden Log. All this zone is to redo, to give a unique style to "PARANOIDE". Here is some new picture (the update last one is not valid any more now): ]
  6. Thank's Tiger and djbrcace After a few months in stand-by, PARANOIDE make it comeback with an update piece of news, the storyline and a new logo ! ========================================================================================= Storyline Built in the darkness of the Middle Ages, by a Lord, drunk with blood and with fight. This castle crossed ages, resisted all the assaults. 13 descendants of the warlord transformed him in small successive keys. It so became more fit to be seen without losing however Its soul and its bouillonant heart. In the 13th generation, the lineage of warlords went out. The castle was then bought back by a rich industrialist, a manufacturer of locomotive. He built a line deprived to go of its factory to the castle. But old stones of the castle estimated in no way this attempt of taming. They began to exhale vapors putrid and envoutantes who drove crazy the rich industrialists. This one, indeed, one evening of full moon, threw itself in pajamas down from the donjon and, the next day, all his family died in the derailment of the train. Some years after this drama, the castle was acquired by a real estate agent who, finding no buyer, was resolved to open him to the visitors. But the visitors make more and more rare. Some people tell that from first step inside the castle, they smelt an audeur of decomposition and had nightmarish visions. You do not believe in this stories ? You have a Cartesian spirit? Then, try the experiment ! Enter the castle armed only with a camera ! ======================================================================================== Update :
  7. Aquatic Dream [POV in HD] The quiet water of a swimming pool is an invitation in the slumber and in the dream. But attention, the dream conceals unsuspected depths so wonderful as horrifying! Have a good dream
  8. Hello, I suggest you discovering or rediscovering my creations roller tycoon coaster 3 the most recent gathered here even! Ps: I do not speak English well, I am to sadden :/ Indiana Jones-Seach of eldorado Embark in one of mission unpublished work on rct3 of Indiana Jones, in search of the El Dorado [] Dangerous factory 1: http://www.dailymotion.com/user/zig-zou/video/x97pxj_rct3dangerous-factory_videogames Embody an inspector of the environment and leave for a hunting to the pollution in a factory! Dangerous factory 2: Here are 2 ° opus of this future Trilogy on the theme of the factory, the 100 % indoor Dancefloor: http://www.dailymotion.com/user/zig-zou/video/x98rdp_rct3the-dancefloor_videogames Dancefloor, the biggest rct-tycooniène discotheque creates this day! Opinion in roisterer, this creation is for you. Superstition: Here is one dark-ride on the theme abandoned(given up) catacomb / appearance, switch off quite the lights and take advantage of this creation to be cold in the back! Immersion in the middle age: Here is an inversted coaster B&M which will plunge you into a universe moyenageux. Fusion-Psychédélique firework-coaster: A roller unpublished coaster on the theme of the fusion(merger), embark on the CIBC begun to live an experiment which you are not to forget. Tomb-raider and the calamity mountain: http://www.youtube.com/user/zigzouproduction?feature=mhum#p/a/u/2/SKGRvss3FRo "Tomb-raider and the calamity mountain" and 3 ° opus of the legend RCT3 which I threw 2 years ago. For this new adventure, meet Lara Croft and investigate a universe overturning on the track of a divinity Taïlandaise. Tropical Blue - Flying B&M: http://www.youtube.com/user/zigzouproduction?feature=mhum#p/a/u/1/lMDIuHWNLOk EDEN LOG - The Revolutionary Dark-ride http://www.youtube.com/user/zigzouproduction?feature=mhum#p/a/u/0/vMY78eIeh3k At the moment, I make two new creations, I am going to present you updates: Aquatic Dream PARANOÏDE
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