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Everything posted by Rob.Lloyd

  1. The chain on a maurer attraction is always a little bit of. Due to the car assembly the drive beam( the bit the friction/drive wheels touch eg as the car goes though the station)is in the middle of the chassis .The brake fin is on one side and the chain hook/anti roll back dog is mounted on the over side.
  2. Hope you had a good day on park. Perfect timing when you came to see me on Spinball as I was just going on break. Hope the gypsy invasion didn't spoil your day Rob
  3. At the end of the day Merlin just want to make more money and overhyping a coaster is definitely pulling the crowds into the park.
  4. Mine is me kite Buggying at Watergate Bay, Newquay,UK.
  5. Me waiting for daughter to come out of school.
  6. Is there anymore effects in the crypt or is it still just green lights?
  7. This is so funny but 15 mins fame for me http://www.thisisstaffordshire.co.uk/news/Towers-ride-lucky/article-1931016-detail/article.html
  8. Great trip report Divv but no photos of drinking fun.
  9. Was also at Alton towers today, had a fantastic day even though it rained for most of the day. I did like Th13teen but felt it still needed some more theming in the crypt like a smoke machine to make it more scary.The tunnel was very good with the way it got colder the deeper you went . I also managed to get stopped by the local press for a interview and lots of photos, so 15 mins of fame here we go.
  10. Looks like I missed a absolute fantastic drinking marathon weekend.
  11. Great trip report Divv. I'm sad I missed the Cadbury World trip. It looks loads better than the last time I visited.
  12. Brill photos Divv but you need to post some photos of the drinking session to top it off.
  13. I did speak to someone on Saturday and he said "give it a week to settle in and it will be flying". Just hope it working tomorrow for you Fry.
  14. brilliant video Craig very funny, Just read that Thorpe Park kept having power cut yesterday making every ride brake down. Lets hope day Three of the session gets off to a good start or Thorpe Park will be running at a loss with all the free tickets they are having to give out.
  15. Fab trip report Craig! Did feel sorry for Thorpe on their first day of the season with everything breaking down at some point during the day. It must have been the delayed effect of Friday the 13th Looking forward to riding Saw again soon, fingers crossed the technical faults are sorted out by then. Reminder to self: turn red eye setting on!!!
  16. The plans are out for the new coaster, http://publicaccess.staffsmoorlands.gov.uk/publicaccess/tdc/DcApplication/application_detailview.aspx?caseno=KBM3OQPG04H00 Click on Associated Documents. The ride layout
  17. Alton have put the front carriage up for sale on eBay http://cgi.ebay.co.uk/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewItem&item=250335318601 So if you've got some extra cash and want a part of Alton Towers history start bidding. Photo from www.altontowers.com
  18. The store says it is not in stock. I think we have broken TPR with everyone trying to download it
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