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Sticky Nicky

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Everything posted by Sticky Nicky

  1. I've also heard that there is not one, but two sequels in the works already.
  2. Good Riddance (Time of Your Life) -Green Day
  3. Yeah, SWSD is the neglected one in the thrills department of the three parks. I hope all this neglection will lead to a $100 million hyper, stand up, inverted, wooden, fire breathing roller coaster.
  4. I felt the same way. I remember reading somewhere that the movie was written to revolve around Marcus and John Connor was a secondary character. When they approached Christan Bale to play Marcus, he told them that he wanted to play John Connor instead and to have the movie re-written so that he has a bigger part. So, you can blame that one on Christan Bale.
  5. Falling Slowly-Glen Hansard and Falling Slowly-Kris Allen
  6. Thats very cool. It is so weird to see the park in it's original state. Where did you find this?
  7. NICE!!!!!!!!!!! I am also listening to the song for about the 200th time since Friday. I'm loving the entire CD.
  8. Well, just because it got approved does not mean it will get built now. Cedar Fair still has this park on the chopping block.
  9. Let's not forget that Renegade at Valleyfair first tested about 4 days before the media day. Testing could start today or it could start on Saturday. No one knows right now.
  10. That is a very impressive figure and from the looks of the themeing, it was well spent. I do wonder how much went into purchasing all of the Rays and other sea creatures.
  11. I wonder what Susan Sarandon's kids think about this sketch. The show was one of the funniest episodes since the election was over. Justin Timberlake can do no wrong.
  12. I saw her about a month ago here in the Twin Cities. She was very good. I'm also going to add that I am extremely excited to see Beyonce and Green Day this July.
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