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Game-The Guy Above Me

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^ Incorrect

< The only PC games I got into were RCT series and Disney's Ultimate Ride Coaster Deluxe, which doesn't work on my computer anymore.

v Someone who has heard of Disney's Ultimate Ride Coaster Deluxe.

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^ Password ISN'T Pie.

< My password isn't pie either, and no I don't live in Monaco.

v Someone who has heard of Monaco prior to ThePasswordIsPie's mention of it.

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^ Is fascinated by small countries that most people have never heard of.

< I don't know much about Monaco, except its flag is red and white and it is an inverted Indonesian flag, and minus the eagle, it's identical to the Polish flag.

v Someone who has heard of the country Latvia, since we're talking about European countries now.

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^Loves Hornets

< Hates anything with a stinger at the end (unless it's a roller coaster named after a hornet/wasp ) And I have heard of Estonia; it's a Baltic Country by the Baltic Sea.

v Has been on a roller coaster or other ride named after a bug/creature with a stinger.

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^ Has never been on a bug themed ride and loves geography.

< I went on the Bumblebee ride at SFGAm when I was 4, and I have heard of Mauritania, I think it's in Africa, but I'm not sure, I can't remember, plus I don't know everything about geography. Does it, like Turkey, have a moon on its flag?

V Knows the names of all the countries Yugoslavia divided into when it split.

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^ Has an avatar which brings depressing memories of how I bowl...Although one time I got a turkey...followed by a gutterball...(But I really did get a turkey! )

< Knows about Kosovo since it's a relatively new country.

v Has been on a coaster in Europe.

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^ Somehow knows I have 100% American Credits even though I never said so till now.

< Has no idea how a state is illegal in N. Korea and therefore has no idea what you're talking about.

v Someone who could explain to me how a state is illegal in N. Korea or if you're just making this up.

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^ May die if Kim Jong-Un finds out he's in Delaware...and if he's wearing a Turquoise shirt on a Tuesday while holding a fork. Hilarious video btw

< Went on Viper Backwards last week!

v Someone who loves MURICA

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