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Best Themed Coasters in the USA

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However, it is not even debatable, in my opinion, that Everest is the "most highly themed" coaster in not only the US but the world. Period.


They spent a reported 100 mil on that thing and while I obviously don't know exactly how much went into the coaster itself I can guarantee it was less than half. That's over 50 mil on theming. No way any other coaster comes close to that.


Ok, so by that logic, Steel Dragon 2000 is the best ride ever, at $50 million, it is much better than the pathetic $9 million that Balder cost.. or the rediculous $12-15 million that SFNE's ROS cost... yea... I can totally buy that logic


- Joe

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However, it is not even debatable, in my opinion, that Everest is the "most highly themed" coaster in not only the US but the world. Period.


They spent a reported 100 mil on that thing and while I obviously don't know exactly how much went into the coaster itself I can guarantee it was less than half. That's over 50 mil on theming. No way any other coaster comes close to that.


Ok, so by that logic, Steel Dragon 2000 is the best ride ever, at $50 million, it is much better than the pathetic $9 million that Balder cost.. or the rediculous $12-15 million that SFNE's ROS cost... yea... I can totally buy that logic


- Joe


I didn't say anything about Everst being the best ride. I didn't even say it was the best themed ride because, as I said, that could be very subjective depending on what you are in to. I did say that it was the MOST themed ride. Period. And dollars have a huge impact on the amount of theming as it cost money to add theming. You may not like the theming or the ride but it is still the most themed coaster ever built. I will be the 1st person to say that money dosn't always equall quality when it comes to a coaster or its theming. One of my favorite coasters is Giant Dipper at Santa Cruz Beach Boadwalk. Built in 1923 it dosn't have any theming and it is great.


Just making an observation sense this thread was about theming and not how good the ride is.

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However, it is not even debatable, in my opinion, that Everest is the "most highly themed" coaster in not only the US but the world. Period.


They spent a reported 100 mil on that thing and while I obviously don't know exactly how much went into the coaster itself I can guarantee it was less than half. That's over 50 mil on theming. No way any other coaster comes close to that.


Ok, so by that logic, Steel Dragon 2000 is the best ride ever, at $50 million, it is much better than the pathetic $9 million that Balder cost.. or the rediculous $12-15 million that SFNE's ROS cost... yea... I can totally buy that logic


- Joe



I didn't say anything about Everst being the best ride. I didn't even say it was the best themed ride because, as I said, that could be very subjective depending on what you are in to. I did say that it was the MOST themed ride. Period. And dollars have a huge impact on the amount of theming as it cost money to add theming. You may not like the theming or the ride but it is still the most themed coaster ever built. I will be the 1st person to say that money dosn't always equall quality when it comes to a coaster or its theming. One of my favorite coasters is Giant Dipper at Santa Cruz Beach Boadwalk. Built in 1923 it dosn't have any theming and it is great.


Just making an observation sense this thread was about theming and not how good the ride is.


Perhaps in the US (although I'd say Indy's cue is the most themed cue in the US). But by far (if you include the cue, and surrounding area the ride is in) Journey to the Center of the earth is MUCH more detailed and super-sized in theme then Expedition Everest. In my opinion, UNQUESTIONABLY the most well themed attraction/area in any theme park in the world

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Some people consider the tech in journey to be a coaster, and others don't. Technically, Splash Mountain is a coaser (at least in the drop sequence). It's kind of hard to figure out...

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I don't think coasters like Hulk or Dueling Dragons can really be called the best themed. To claim that title, every aspect of the ride must be themed 100 percent. Universal deserves a tremendous amount of credit though, both rides' queue lines are perfect and it is a lot harder to completely theme the entire layout of a B&M looper than it is a Disney-style Vekoma. My list would be Big Thunder Mountain, Expedition Everest, and USF's Revenge of the Mummy.

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I didn't say anything about Everst being the best ride. I didn't even say it was the best themed ride because, as I said, that could be very subjective depending on what you are in to. I did say that it was the MOST themed ride. Period. And dollars have a huge impact on the amount of theming as it cost money to add theming. You may not like the theming or the ride but it is still the most themed coaster ever built. I will be the 1st person to say that money dosn't always equall quality when it comes to a coaster or its theming.


I wasn't implying that you were calling Everest the best ride, just going off the idea I picked up off your post that Everest wins because they spent the most money on it. Well they did do that but it wasn't *quite* executed perfectly in my mind, whereas the Mummy, a coaster 60% cheaper, did. The whole comparing ride price tags and quality of ride was just an analogy


That's all.. the price doesn't mean as much as execution and quality IMHO.

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My top 10 themed coasters that I have been on so far:


1. Expedtion Everest, Disney's Animal Kingdom

2. Revenge Of The Mummy, Universal Studios Florida

3. Big Thunder Mountain Railroad, Magic Kingdom, Disneyland

4. Rockin' Roller Coaster, Disney-MGM Studios

5. Matterhorn Bobsleds, Disneyland

6. Big Bad Wolf, Busch Gardens Europe

7. Journey To Atlantis, Sea World Orlando (has coaster element).

8. Space Mountain, Magic Kingdom

9. Alpengiest, Busch Gardens Europe

10.Dueling Dragons, Islands Of Adventure (Coaster Cars & the queue)


--Eric J.

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