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^He is very famous all over the world... Except here in the States. And I think he has accepted that and isn't going to try to break the states for a 4th time. He even let Jessica Simpson cover his song Angels (and may she rot in hell for it!!!!).


I think the singles he released here were Angels, Millenium, Rock DJ, Something Stupid (with Nicole Kidman) and Feel. He also did the cover of Beyond the Sea that is featured on the Finding Nemo soundtrack.

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[quote="USCoaster He even let Jessica Simpson cover his song Angels (and may she rot in hell for it!!!!).




Yeah, We have Guy Chambers to Blame for that one!!! Apparently, she is now going to release a cover of "No Regrets"... What is the world coming to??

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Ugh lucky! Robbie is aweeeeesome! I'm listenin' to him right now! I wish I could go but I haven't been to a concert for a few years now! Anyway, he barely performs in the US. Lol but ur still lucky!

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I went and saw him perform "Feel" on both Leno and Craig Kilborn and he was awesome. He gave Simon Cowell a lap dance on Leno, and grabbed Mike Myers bum during the performance.


And my friend saw him at Jerry's Famous Deli in WeHo one night.

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