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What's the tallest freefall style ride in the world?


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Could someone tell me what's the tallest freefall style ride in the world? i've tried googling it but i kept getting confused with out of date statistics...


also im wondering, in your opinion, what is the best (not necessarily the tallest) drop ride....




and whoever does the editing for the videos on this site...its amazing!! i really hope i can do that stuff one day...i need to get a good program thats easy to use first....

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Thanks for the compliments on the videos. Those are done by Robb and myself.


As for Freefalls...


A List

Blue Fall - Hakkejima Sea Paradise - Japan

Acrophobia/and German one - Six Flags over Georgia and Movie Park Germany

Apocalypse - Drayton Manor - UK

225' Intamin 2nd Gen Freefalls - Lots of parks

Tower of Terror


B List

Other Intamin FreeFalls

S&S Towers


C List

All other imitation ones

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haha i know how embarrassing! they really should advertise that it is though because i have been on it a couple times but just always expected there would be drops taller in usa and europe....if you come to our few aussie theme parks you just wouldnt expect a record here! haha


im going to go check out the one in canada you said...

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It's nice to have one record holder downunder.


It's a nice view from the top of Giant Drop, it's just a shame the loading seems to be very slow.


Big Shot at stratoshere is terrifying being a thousand foot up before you even get on the ride.

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I think the actual height of the structure should be all that counts. Superman Escape up on the hill or High Roller (RIP) at Stratosphere would have the coaster record then.


Is the scenic railway a coaster, better see if that is a credit on coaster counter. I wish they would get that Orphan Rocker coaster at Katoomba working. It's been sitting there for yonks now.

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yeh the scenic railway isnt really a coaster, its a train thats not enclosed that goes really really steep...and basically its just to get you to the bushwalks at the bottom, its fun though!....here is a pic of it


thats coaster would be so freaky at katoomba! it closed down b4 i was born but it looks very unstable...


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yeh the scenic railway isnt really a coaster, its a train thats not enclosed that goes really really steep...and basically its just to get you to the bushwalks at the bottom, its fun though!....here is a pic of it


thats coaster would be so freaky at katoomba! it closed down b4 i was born but it looks very unstable...


hey sorry but thats not the senic railway they are talking about. Its the senic railway at Luna Park in Melbourne. and is the oldest operating rollercoaster in the world.. this beast dates back to 1912.

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