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Do you like RCT3

Do you like RCT3  

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^ agreed. There's something about building things in the game, I guess it's the slight lag, that makes playing really annoying to me. Which makes it hard to be as fun for me as RCT2. The sandbox, fireworks, coastercam, etc. are all nice perks though.


I'm glad my little brother bought it, not me!

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I like RCT3 WAY more than 2. I don't like making dark rides on RCT2 because I always think that if I was making this on RCT3 I could ride it. The non auto load custom scenery thing is slightly annoying, but I like custom scenery so much more. Just for the heck of it, I'll post some links to my favorite RCT3 park (No, I didn't make it). It uses SO much custom scenery though.


Wonder World Phase 4 Expo 3000 download (Not the whole park)


Wonder World Phase 2 Download (whole park)


Oh yes, and to be more on topic, that park would be pretty boring on RCT2, Because the best rides are completely enclosed.

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I really like it.




What I find funny is how a lot of people say that their RCT2 rides are smooth, and that RCT3 rides suck because they're rough, when, in fact, they are exactly the same!

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