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Disney's Dream Realm [RCT2 with WW]

What should the next E-Ticket be in Nightmare Street?  

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  1. 1. What should the next E-Ticket be in Nightmare Street?

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I said I wasn't going to do an update, but I managed to just finish the next ride I was working on: Jungle Cruise. So here's a little update, including construction pictures.


The park overview. Expect much bigger updates throughout this, and next week!


The entire ride layout


Here you can see how close this ride comes to the Tower of Terror.


Here you can see the drop ride Tarzan's Treefall




The station is almost done



The naked Jungle Cruise station


First, here is the fastpass area for Pirates.

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  Luxo said:
I said I wasn't going to do an update, but I managed to just finish the next ride I was working on: Jungle Cruise. So here's a little update, including construction pictures.


Instead of using those rafts for jungle cruise, how about using these realistic jungle cruise boats for download that amazing earl made!


He also made pirates of the carribean boats and more disney rides!

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Thanks to Google Earth, I can whore out some construction pictures for this week


Some reconstruction in Nightmare Street


Today is alright 4 tonight, drivin' in a corvette and feelin' alright.


Do you see the new ride in this pic?


The new land: American West

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Man, this sucks. It looks like I won't be having any huge updates, or any updates at all this week. Why? Well it's a long story, but I'm on a different computer (a different house actually) throughout the rest of this and some of next week, and my game is missing objdata.

Long story short, I'll have updates again in a few weeks.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Update! This one small, but it includes Splash Mountain and Nightmare Street expansions.


Like always, here is the overview..


I just want to show that, to add to the realism (is that a word?) I replaced most of the monkey puzzle/palm trees with assorted others.


The naked track


House of Villains (From Mickey's Halloween DVD) and The Horrors Backlot and Animation Tour.


Another look


No more coaster-track abstract thing!


The two natural icons of the soon-to-be land: American West




SM's station, it is themed to be a mill with a rideable water wheel.


Splash Mountain!

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I found a really awsome disney rct2 park that maybe could inspire you or something. It's REALLY cool. Here's the link http://www.nedesigns.com/?ne=spotlight&s=dta. I think it requires WW and there are two park files, one with roofs on the dark rides and one without. here is another park by the same person, but I think it requires TT so I wasn't able to open it.

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Oh, I didn't know you had already seen that park.


Also, no offense, but I think that your splash mountain just sort of lacks...something. I like the station, but the entrance is kinda bugging me. Try adding a Splash Mountain sign and add more scenery right there. Please don't take this as offense, I don't want to start a flame war.

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  • 4 weeks later...

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