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Stratosphere ride strikes again...

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This is exactly why I'll never ride any rides atop the Stratosphere. Not because of their operations (which I was very impressed with!), but I'll just never be able to get over Interactive Rides overlooking small things like this.


Well, that and the fact its like 50 bajillion feet in the air and I hate heights. But that's besides the point. Stupid Interactive Rides.

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I'm not sure if Interactive rides is to blame or Stratosphere. It sounds like Stratosphere decided that the slot machines deserve back-up generators, but not the amusement rides. Based on the design of the ride, I'm not sure Interactive rides could have designed the ride to return to its start position if there is no power.

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I'm sure they could. The question is if it would be cost effective to incorporate that into the ride. They figured a back up generator would simply be a cheaper soloution. I'm willing to bet Stratosphere will look into avoiding this in the future.

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KNBC had this on their 11:00 news, and, of course, they referred to it as a roller coaster.


I rode X-Scream last year, and I was the only one on it! (It was a Tuesday afternoon, who else would be there?) It was fun riding in the front seat, and I'd do it again. I am about due for another trip out there. I'll go up there again to ride Insanity despite what I've heard about it.


There's also been talk of removing the High Roller. That's fine with me. It's not that much fun anyway.



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Force wise, its a tame ride (of course). If you are a little bit afraid of heights however, it is a HUGE rush. I recomend it highly. Also, do your best to get in the front row. The front of the car actually goes past the end of the track giving you that "when are we going to stop" panic :shock: .


This is me and my boss terrified


"Hey look, I can see our hotel from up here!"

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I'll be sure to bring along a 1000 foot extension cord in case it breaks again while I'm on it. Hopefully I'll also remember to bring a glass of water too, just in case that failsafe plunger doesn't stay safe of failing and our car careens off the top I can try to save myself by diving into the glass. That should save me, sure.

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It sounds like Stratosphere decided that the slot machines deserve back-up generators, but not the amusement rides.


As a former casino professional in Vegas, there are not generators to back up slot machines. Each machine has a back-up battery to remember credits, that's it.

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Seems like the ride did exactly what it's supposed to do in a power failure and that is stop and lock. Even if there was a backup generator the failsafes would stop the ride and require operator intervention since controls and sensors become questionable in blackout or brownout conditions. Hopefully the lawyers aren't lined up for this one.

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