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Elitch Gardens, requests?

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Go say hi to Jeff over at the kiddie coaster, he works there, if it's down, he should be at the flyer.


As far as I know EG is getting SWAT and something else....ask Jeff, he is in the know!



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The arrow shuttle loop. I haven't seen much of that one at all


Yea, I do need some better shots of Sidewinder.


As far as I know EG is getting SWAT and something else....ask Jeff, he is in the know!


1. Jeff couldn't say under lieability issues

2. SWAT?! I dought that SFEG would even spend that much. Probly a really big funnel cake stand!




I would love some raw POV footage of Twister II - ya know, from start to finish. That would be kickass. Thanks, if you can do it!




Trash cans. Take as many photos of trash cans as you can. Empty/overflowing it doesn't matter.


Also, a pov of a piece of trash actually entering the can...priceless.


Hmmm, SFEG is no Dorney Park, its even rare if you catch a trash can in the park. But I'll do my absolute best!

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See if you can actually get them to let you POV Half-Pipe... They seem to get anxious about anything bigger than sunglasses...


Oh and the person asking about the stuff for next season... Chaos was still there was I hit the park like 2 weeks ago. The only thing gone was the lit sign that was mounted behind the ride.


Oh actually you should try walking around the edge of the park and get a shot of the old Twister 2 train that is STILL sitting beside the track... (perfectly legal just use the city path by the river)


They replaced those trains ages ago... Why is it still sitting there?


BTW Twister2 the suggestion is that EG might (a very big might) get the Astroworld Swatter. I highly doubt it will happen although I think it would easily fit.

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I was there three weeks ago and the Choas cars were being dismanteled.


Oh actually you should try walking around the edge of the park and get a shot of the old Twister 2 train that is STILL sitting beside the track... (perfectly legal just use the city path by the river)


Ive been thinking about doing that for some time now. I may do it when its lunch break or right before we leave.


See if you can actually get them to let you POV Half-Pipe... They seem to get anxious about anything bigger than sunglasses...


Robb got his camera on, but then again that was early in the morning as soon as the park opened. I wont get til the park til about 1hour after opening.


BTW Twister2 the suggestion is that EG might (a very big might) get the Astroworld Swatter. I highly doubt it will happen although I think it would easily fit.


Whoh, what images are you looking at? Taking a look at Google Earth, the Choas spot has gotta be like 30x30 or so. Not unless they take the pavilons out, which no one even uses.


only 1 part of the wall remains. Cars are dismanteled. You can see the sign saying new attraction in 2006 in the bottom, right corner.

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Get as much coaster footage as you can... COASTER footage. NO DANCERS!!!!!! lol they drive me crazy!!!!


Get different viewpoints of Halfpipe, Twister, all dem coasterzzz.


Have fun at SFEG!!! (While I go to Holiday Park which is less than 30 mins away from me )

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