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2016 Oklahoma State Fair Review

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So here I am at the OKC Fair this year!!! There was a good selection of rides provided by Wade Shows, and they brought about 70 rides. I went on September 16 and 17. All rides were working except Spin Out and Screamer were shut down.


RC-48, Fighter, Tilt-A-Whirl, Delusion, and Rainbow were not here. Delusion and RC-48 were in Tennessee, Rainbow was not on the road, Fighter im not sure, and they only use one Tilt now, and it just so happened to be in Tennessee at the same time as the OKC Fair.


Mulligan Wheel


Super Cyclone Coaster- NEW




White Water Flume- perfect for the hot September day!!!




Techno Power


Fire Ball


Mighty Mouse Coaster- my beloved Zamperla Twist




Mega Drop


Pharaoh's Fury (this photo was from 2012 since I couldnt get a good one)


Zero Gravity (btw there were two of these here, Im only showing the yellow one)


Area 51




Magnum- my beloved Mondial Shake




Crazy Dance


Music Express




This big funhouse :p




Rock Star


Vertigo- found next to Wipeout


Wave Swinger


The Giant Wheel


The last ride of the day was the brand new Street Fighter 360

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This fair looks awesome! Its on par of a local small town amusement park! To bad i never been to a carnival/fair this awesome....Most of the fairs and carnivals by me have like a 4:1 ratio or 5:1 ratio of kiddie rides to adult rides. Most of the adult rides they do have are typical or rather tame. I would like to go to a carnival that has actual coasters,drop towers,log flumes,zippers,etc. Usually the most thrilling ride at a carnival near me is the Power Surge(which i admit is a lot of fun) and of course the swinging Frizbee ride. Even the Larson Loop is a rare treat around here and i dont remember the last time i seen a Zipper

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This fair looks awesome! Its on par of a local small town amusement park! To bad i never been to a carnival/fair this awesome....Most of the fairs and carnivals by me have like a 4:1 ratio or 5:1 ratio of kiddie rides to adult rides. Most of the adult rides they do have are typical or rather tame. I would like to go to a carnival that has actual coasters,drop towers,log flumes,zippers,etc. Usually the most thrilling ride at a carnival near me is the Power Surge(which i admit is a lot of fun) and of course the swinging Frizbee ride. Even the Larson Loop is a rare treat around here and i dont remember the last time i seen a Zipper



We used to have the Ring of Fire back in 2007 I think, and the Zipper in 2009, but they stopped using those rides now. We had the Huss Rainbow in 2014, but they stopped using it too.

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This fair looks awesome! Its on par of a local small town amusement park! To bad i never been to a carnival/fair this awesome....Most of the fairs and carnivals by me have like a 4:1 ratio or 5:1 ratio of kiddie rides to adult rides. Most of the adult rides they do have are typical or rather tame. I would like to go to a carnival that has actual coasters,drop towers,log flumes,zippers,etc. Usually the most thrilling ride at a carnival near me is the Power Surge(which i admit is a lot of fun) and of course the swinging Frizbee ride. Even the Larson Loop is a rare treat around here and i dont remember the last time i seen a Zipper



We used to have the Ring of Fire back in 2007 I think, and the Zipper in 2009, but they stopped using those rides now. We had the Huss Rainbow in 2014, but they stopped using it too.

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