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Wild Waves near Seattle to become 2 parks & get 2 new rides

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There isn't any info on their website yet, but tonight I caught this facebook post:


Looks like an S&S something (crossing my fingers it's not a knockoff), but the enterprise looks slightly weird to me--the arms are different, the HUSS models I have seen are trussed until almost the end, their picture has the arms "filled" or connected for almost half their length:


They also announced a few days ago that they are going back to the old setup of being 2 separate parks- Wild Waves for the water park portion, and Enchanted Village for the rides. I don't think they have announced the single-day pricing or how that will work with the 2 parks, but their website says the season pass covers both. I'm guessing that the single-day price will be more than last year if you want to do both parks, but at least it gives people the option if they want to only do rides, or only do slides. This is great for me, because unless it's something unique or very fun, I am NOT getting in the water with the people this park attracts. Anyone seen that South park episode?


Anyway, I wanted to make sure anyone in this area was aware of the changes; I'm looking forward to it, and the fact that they added 2 rides and stopped concentrating on the slides for at least a year is great. They've added slides at least 2 of the last 4 years, and their ride selection is pretty horrible. I have never been on an Enterprise (single rider policy) and the only S&S I've ridden was on top of the Stratosphere, so it will be cool to (re)experience these.


edit; Actually they do have some info on their website, $17 for all-day rides only. I'm sure that will go up during peak season, but that's pretty sweet!


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This is great news! New thrilling flat rides are definitely going to be a plus when going this year.

From what I've been reading on the Magic Springs thread on here, the drop tower is their old S&S Double Shot. CNL ( The investment firm that owns the old Six Flags parks ) decided to take down a few rides there and send them to other parks. Frontier City got their Power Surge. Their drop tower was called "Dr. Dean's Rocket Machine" if you're curious about it.

I heard about the enterprise from screamscape but there are no manufacturer details from them. Not that screamscape is a concrete source!


The management said they were working on the wave pool in response to Facebook comments. I hope that's true!


EDIT: It looks like Frontier City removed their HUSS enterprise to make room for the Power Surge.

Best guess is that's where the Enterprise came from. Which is great! They're new to us!

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I always thought calling this rides park "Wild Waves" as well, was kind of...lazy.


"Enchanted Village" still makes me think of the Enchanted Forest south of Portland,

with all the fairy tale scenes, etc.


But that's okay. It's all good. We're all "enchanted" around here.

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Dang, this is my home park and that does nothing for me. Oh well... there isn't a whole lot of room down there to add much anyway.


I wish they'd just take out Wild Thing and put in just one decent roller coaster. Timber Hawk is about the only thing I enjoy riding there; and I haven't even bothered going in a few years. Looking at a top down the only there is a bit of room next to Wild Thing and they could fill in that stupid lake and make one big coaster. Not likely any time soon though. Good thing I'm heading to Cali and Kansas again this year to get my coaster fix.

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Honestly if they just cleaned up some of the old theming the park would have so much more ambiance. That old seating area and dry fountain, the small decorations and dry river between the kids land and the northwest area just look depressing. Not to mention one of the old skit platforms that they just covered up with a new kids ride. ( It's only visible from riding the gambler. ) Maybe with the parks being separate they'll actually bring back "The Enchanted Village"!


About replacing the Wild Thing, I agree! Is there any room for a standard Boomerang in that space? ( I've never seen one in person, hard to believe! ) I know it's not the greatest, but at least it would offer a more interesting and slightly lengthier ride.

Edited by Zamperlafan
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The place definitely needs more rides. From a water park standpoint, it seems ok, but overall the park has a lot of deadspace and nothing really worth making a trip out for imo. I road thunder hawk a few times. A solid family coaster but does not quench any serious coaster cravings . Hope this change will address those issues

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This is great news! the drop tower is their old S&S Double Shot.

Great! I have never been on one of those, but they look awesome. Is the one at the Puyallup Fair the same model? I refused to pay $10 on top of the $50 ride wristband, but man that was a fun day even without it!!


I wish they'd just take out Wild Thing and put in just one decent roller coaster. Timber Hawk is about the only thing I enjoy riding there

Yeah it's mostly a kiddie park, but I really liked Timberhawk in the dark this Christmas, the Timber Axe has some good forces and is pretty fun if you're already there, their paratrooper is fantastic after seeing how long it takes the fixed (non tilt) models to load, but my guilty pleasure is the Kang-A-Bounce- Oh, the weird looks from parents I have had! I haven't tried a SkyCoaster since I was probably 7 or 8 years old at the Yakima Fair (thank god we survived), but I might do theirs this year if I can get 2 other people to go with me. Does a heavier load swing any longer on one of those?


By the way, agreed on Wild Thing. I rode it ~5 times last year, which was 10 times too many (they let you go around the circuit twice!)


Does anyone remember the flat they had about 20 years ago which had spinning "hamster wheels" attached radially, the riders could rock them back and forth or even invert/do spins, and it had a brake for stopping the car in a certain position? I have never ridden a rock-o-plane but it seemed sort of like one of those except rotating horizontally. I will see if I can find anything on it, I remember seeing a video of one somewhere...


edit; should have just looked up "hamster wheel ride" before posting! Does Knoebels still have this?

P.S The Ring of Fire is an "inverted coaster" on their website

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In other local amusement news, I stopped by Family Fun Center in Tukwila a couple of times recently with the nice weather and was going to try their Screamin Swing, but it was down both times- they told me it was "under maintenance" but I get the feeling it's going to go bye-bye before I ever get a chance to ride it

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The tower at the Puyallup Fair is a Power Shot. From what I read, the Double Space Shot coming is only 100ft vs. 185ft for the extreme scream and it has a different program. But maybe that can be changed?


I agree, the front seat of the Timberhawk at night is amazing! I missed it last Christmas season because of various things but I'll be sure to go this next year! It really adds a head chopper quality to the bottom of the first drop!

I'll probably go to the Cinco de Mayo festival for the season opening with my friend. Why not, they have food trucks and admission is only $10!


The Tukwila Family Fun Center looks like a blast! I'd like to go but I'm afraid of being overrun by kids under 12.

Theyre not operating their swing? Maybe it's the weather? Business? They have a whole. Mini park there!


By the way, the Washington Spring Fair runs this Thursday through the weekend. The Coaster and half the rides will be running, but no armbands.

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I'll be heading down tomorrow to check out the park this year and see if I can see any construction of the new rides; they have been keeping quiet even when they replied to me on facebook stating that "details are pending" so we'll see if anything has materialized yet. I believe one of the posts said either "coming in June" or "July" so there has to be at least some construction started I'd think, especially for the double shot


I know it's short notice but if anyone wants to meet up PM me or reply!

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So I found where the 2 new rides will be going; the Enterprise will be going next to the lake, I believe where the scrambler was previously, and the drop tower is going just up the hill from that where the Falling Star was before it catastrophically failed. Here's pics of that while I make a full photo TR



This is where the Scrabler used to be, and where the Enterprise is supposed to be going



Here's the Scrambler in pieces



And just above it is where the drop tower will go- although at this point it looks like lots of work left


Looks like it will be later in the season that we see the new rides, maybe much later... Oh well, I don't really plan on going back until October when I try once again to make it to Fright Fest on a day with decent weather, so hopefully they will be in and running by then

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