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Valravn at Cedar Point Media Event

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First, a big thank you to Cedar Point for inviting TPR out to their Valravn announcement event. There was a bit more going on than just a press conference, so let's take a look at what took place!


For details, renderings, and video, check out the Cedar Point Discussion Thread!



What could there possibly be a media event for today?




Teasing a bit.




"2016 Announcement"? Here we go! Time to learn about the park's foray into being the world's largest logistics consulting firm!





After a video timeline of the park's coasters. Valravn is officially revealed! The tallest, fastest, and longest dive coaster in the world!




That view will be pretty impressive come spring.




Tony Clark introduces the ride.




Cedar Fair Vice President of Planning and Design Rob Decker highlights more details. Valravn will have the world's tallest immelmann. It is also B&M's 100th design.




Cedar Point Vice President and General Manager Jason McClure then took the mic.




"We're doing something that's never been done before at an amusement park. You can ride Valravn in virtual reality before it is built!"




After concluding the announcement, these VR view boxes were passed out. Start the Cedar Point VR app and slip your smartphone in. You're then riding a virtual Valravn that you can look around 360 degrees on! Keep your eye on the Valravn site, the press release mentions the viewers will be available for sale. If you happen to have a Google Cardboard, that will work too! Can't get your hands on a viewer? Hold your phone nearly up against your nose and let your eyes relax. This will let you experience Valravn as a person who is not wearing their glasses (I'm kinda serious about this!).




We were then taken to the ride's location. First stop, the construction site!




Where they had fancy Valravn shovels.




Those shovels were used to help break ground on the ride. And I actually mean break ground for the first time. Where we dug is the only footer marked so far. Construction is starting today. Valravn is scheduled to open with the park in May.




Let's check out the rest of what's here.




A giant Valravn throne.




Valravn breaks 10 records!




This is what the park called a "Social Vending Machine". You tweet about Valravn and get a prize.




I got Fast Lane for two on Valravn! The vending machine will be available to the public to use.





If you haven't seen dive coaster track, it is huge. Over 6 feet wide!




There was a station to try the VR ride using an Oculus Gear VR. This offers a more immersive ride on Valravn than the viewer box. It is my understanding the park will have these available for guests to experience at times this Fall.




The Marina entrance will be getting a makeover with the construction of Valravn.




The park is in the middle of the Halloweekends transition.




Back at Breakers Express, they were unloading track. The field will be getting full very soon!


And here's what it will look like when it's all done:




For more details, renderings, and video, check out the Cedar Point Discussion Thread!



Once again thank you Cedar Point for putting on a great event. I'm thoroughly excited for Valravn. It looks to be a great addition to the park's coaster lineup!

Edited by robbalvey
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Love that Valravn throne and holy smokes that track is enormous!!! I know people keep saying in person it is but when there's actual people standing a few feet away, and with the knowledge that it's 6 ft wide, I really got a good glimpse of it.

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It sure makes you appreciate how heavy those dive coasters can really get. And from that still of the POV looking over the first drop, I'm thinking night rides on it are going to be quite epic looking over the midway! If I'm not mistaken, you'll likely get a pretty good view of Luminosity. Thanks for sharing.

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Looks like a great media event for a future hit for the park. I think it's awesome people can approach the actual (Ohio-made) and beautiful two-tone track. Really gives you a sense of the size and it will be visually stunning with the blue supports. Thanks for posting!

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