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On 1/26/2022 at 11:29 PM, Jew said:

I need to buy another shelf since I’m out of space and more still on the way (buzz, Indy, flounder tomica, more wdw anniversary funkos)

Joey, do you keep the boxes that everything came in? I ask specifically of all the TOMICA 'vehicles' you have? I have really no more actual 'space' in the house anymore, to really show off all the TOMICAs I have. I need more shelves, too, I guess LOL. So I keep them all in their boxes, hidden away, privately. But I am curious whether you keep the boxes, or not? And what do you do with them, if you do keep them?

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  • 1 month later...

In celebration of TDLR's 39th Anniversary, TOMICA has taken the Western River Railroad and "camped" it up a bit, with Chip & Dale. 😋

Elissa, take note? More info about it and other 39th merch is at TDRexplorer: https://tdrexplorer.com/39th-anniversary-merchandise/ Thanks!


Ordered and got mine thru eBay - will cost you ¥2,400 ($20.69 USD) at TDLR.

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  • 2 years later...

A couple of years later....

Just bought this thru eBay. It's a wonderful mini of Tokyo Disneyland's Space Mountain, in recognition of it's "Final Ignition."  Which will be at the end of July, when it closes for good, and is re-imagined and rebuilt (and moved back several hundred feet), for a 2027(?) opening. When you remove the Mountain itself off the base, the light show can be projected on the ceiling. A very cool souvenir.


The box.



What it can do.


Mine, lit up.



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  • 2 weeks later...

At the same time as buying and getting ^ the above here, I also purchased one of those "Mystery Box Sets" where individual boxes are sold 'blind,' as they say. But a lot of sellers on eBay are selling the entire set of boxes, which sometimes feature a "mystery figure" in black profile. This set of TDL restaurant, is a fave of mine, when I've been to TDLR. The Queen of Hearts Banquet Hall in Fantasyland,  is a great buffet-style restaurant. Andplenty of help to help you find a good table, etc.


The box it all comes in.


What you get. SPOILER ALERT! ............................ The mystery piece is a food tray with food on it.😋


First time in the place - TPR 2007 Japan Tour. w/Mike and Peter enjoying our food trays....


What David and I shared, at the Banquet Hall in 2013 (TPR Tour). There was enough of everything to share!

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