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Hershey Park June 2013

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^The lack of supports especially near the apex fools the eye, you have nothing to gauge the height but bare track and the clouds behind it. The steepness of the slope adds to that as well. It also has to do with placement in the park, when I picture Steel Force in my mind's eye it looks about twice as tall as Skyrush.


I have a question for anybody. Is there another 200 ft coaster that takes up as small a foot print land-wise as Skyrush? Most of the ones I can think of have a more out-and-back style layout where the furthest point is much further away from the station than Skyrush.

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200 ft seems to be nothing these days (compared to many other non-looping steel coasters that have gone up in the last decade or so), but there are a few places (the cafeteria in Chocolate World being one of them) where Skyrush does appear to tower over the park. And also when you approach from the area around SDL the lift hill seems to be mighty tall IMO.

That's what I love about Skyrush - based upon looks/description alone, there is absolutely nothing remarkable or significant about it at all, and it breaks no records of any kind. That is, until you ride it! I don't think I've ever ridden a coaster that rides so shockingly different than how it appears that it would (in a good way, of course). Well, I've been on some that were far, far rougher than I could ever imagine, but most all of those are woodies and I would never expect one to be glass-smooth anyway.

Pity those who would mistake it for a run of the mill, ordinary, nothing to write home about, non-inverting 200 odd-foot hyper (which I would have had I not been forewarned simply based on the way it looks) ! Which of course might be plenty of GP who see HP's current tv commercial and have no inkling of the ferocity of Skyrush.

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I'll be going to Hershey again on Aug. 24th and 25th. Skyrush in my opinion is a great ride with some insane forces but it doesn't compare to something like El Toro, Millenium Force or Bizarro/Superman for the being a completer package mostly due to the short ride time and compact layout. I prefer longer more spread out coasters with a nice mix of intense forces and moments to catch your breath put in as well. I also generally prefer sustained airtime as well whether its ejector or floater and Skyrush's airtime isn't very sustained. Skyrush is still a top ride though and I can see why someone could prefer it to others.


As far as Millenium Force goes its a front of the train ride if you want airtime. First drop is better in the back but the 2 larger airtime hills only really deliver toward the front since the back goes over so slowly in comparison. The hop next to the station is good anywhere.

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^^ Yeah with the addition of YOLOcoaster, 200 is really nothing because it may even be possible to see a 200+ foot coaster that inverts.


I honestly think Skyrush's small lift hill is its best part because it packs such a hard punch without getting very high off the ground. True It's the tallest coaster at Hershey but on a global scale its height is nothing significant.

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^^ Yeah with the addition of YOLOcoaster, 200 is really nothing because it may even be possible to see a 200+ foot coaster that inverts.


I honestly think Skyrush's small lift hill is its best part because it packs such a hard punch without getting very high off the ground. True It's the tallest coaster at Hershey but on a global scale its height is nothing significant.


Sorry but this is ridiculous. Two coasters break 400 feet and suddenly 200 feet is "nothing significant". Do you realize just how relatively few hyper coasters there are in existence? There's less than fifty. Just shows how spoiled Americans are when it comes to coasters. 200 feet, a "small lift hill"... pffft...

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^^ Yeah with the addition of YOLOcoaster, 200 is really nothing because it may even be possible to see a 200+ foot coaster that inverts.


I honestly think Skyrush's small lift hill is its best part because it packs such a hard punch without getting very high off the ground. True It's the tallest coaster at Hershey but on a global scale its height is nothing significant.


Sorry but this is ridiculous. Two coasters break 400 feet and suddenly 200 feet is "nothing significant". Do you realize just how relatively few hyper coasters there are in existence? There's less than fifty. Just shows how spoiled Americans are when it comes to coasters. 200 feet, a "small lift hill"... pffft...


I never said 200 feet is a small lift hill...... In this day and age a coaster breaking 200 feet is nothing special. What it DOES with those 200 feet is the special part.

I fail to see what me being American has to do with my view on hyper coasters.

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The element you are thinking of is a flying snake dive. Maverick has the twisted horseshoe roll. Great TR! I would love to visit Hershey sometime!


I noticed that after I posted it and was hoping no one would catch the mistake hahah! I recommend the park highly. It's only downfall is sometimes the lines but those are on busy days. I love Hershey!


^Dude, read your own post...

Saying something is small, and saying something doesn't get very high off the ground in my opinion are 2 different things. I've ridden much much bigger than Skyrush, and I have yet to go to a single park that does not have at least 1 hyper coaster. Maybe just based on where I live, since it seems as though every single park has a hyper coaster, 200 feet is not special to me. It's just normal. I'm not saying they're bad coasters, but if Dorney Park was to announce a new hyper coaster (ignoring that they already have steel force) Unless it was something that packed a crazy punch I wouldn't lose my marbles.

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^I get what you're saying, I do, but just because every park in a certain part of the country has a hyper coaster doesn't mean they aren't notable for their height, which is still taller than most other coasters.


I honestly think Skyrush's small lift hill is its best part because it packs such a hard punch without getting very high off the ground.


You can't just say something and then claim you didn't say it. Skyrush's lift hill is not small, and it does get very high off the ground. Relative to the four complete circuit coasters that break 300 feet? Maybe not. Relative to the rest of coasterdom? 200 feet is still very tall, and one of the defining features of the ride.

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sooperdooperLooper please


I'm not a fan of SDL so I never really go into its area thus why I don't really take pictures of it.

If I go 1 more time this year I'll be sure to snap a few pictures.


^I get what you're saying, I do, but just because every park in a certain part of the country has a hyper coaster doesn't mean they aren't notable for their height, which is still taller than most other coasters.


I honestly think Skyrush's small lift hill is its best part because it packs such a hard punch without getting very high off the ground.


You can't just say something and then claim you didn't say it. Skyrush's lift hill is not small, and it does get very high off the ground. Relative to the four complete circuit coasters that break 300 feet? Maybe not. Relative to the rest of coasterdom? 200 feet is still very tall, and one of the defining features of the ride.


I understand where you're coming from but I think we're just going to have to agree to disagree, you consider 200 feet to be significant and I don't. We probably won't come to an understanding.

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