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Photo TR: Hades 2.0

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It took a little while longer than I wanted, but TPR's self-admitted Hades fanatic was finally able to get out and experience the ride like I had never experienced before. With an awesome bunch of guys (including a few celebrity-ish people) and some beautiful weather, this turned out to be one of the better days I've had at a theme park ever.


If anyone wanted a full report on Mount Olympus, you can find a much more in-depth one here, but this visit was all about Hades.


I was a little worried about this visit because we ended up making the trip on the Monday of the first week in June, which is prime school trip time. Even with the huge influx of youngsters, the line for Hades was never too bad (about 75 minutes at its longest point), but the little SWAGsters were a little much at times. I think Dave would have had a tough time dealing with them.


It was pretty easy to see that a large amount of track work was done in the off-season to get Hades back in top form, and it was a very welcome sight. The new Timberliner train was also looking very slick and very fast - it was a welcome sight after the PTCs and I was excited to try it out. After waiting for a while, we finally got into the station. I had been wondering why several trains had gone out with no one in the front seat, and once we were at the top I found the culprit; some guy in a green shirt with a GoPro box on the far side had been mounting a camera on the first car (he looked pretty familiar, but I wasn't 100% sure who it was). After waiting a little longer, we finally got on in my money seat - the front row. The guy then came over and proceeded to strap a camera to the chassis of the train. After talking for a bit, he looked up, noticed my TPR shirt, and revealed himself to be none other than ScottyDoesKnow. So, as it turns out, my first ride on Hades might be up on YouTube soon, and boy was it a first ride.


Word From The Coaster Nerd


What can I say? It was like riding Hades for the first time again. It was absolutely the best time I've ever had on a roller coaster, and Hades is now hands-down my unrivaled favorite coaster ever (Skyrush, Stormrunner, and Phoenix are looming later this summer though...). I was completely blown away. Now just saying quickly, I might be slightly biased since I was always a defender of Hades, even at its lower points. I've read that people say it's still rough and that it hurts so much, and they are allowed to say that. However, as an experienced Hades rider, the experience was night and day for me. I couldn't believe how smooth the ride was compared to the last few seasons! The tunnel was psychotic as ever, the 110 degree turn was nuts and had me flying around in my seat, and the corkscrew, oh wow. It was sooooooo different and awesome. The handrails made for some crazy near-misses as well. The train seemed to be cresting the hill on the return trip faster too, so it looks like the ride is breaking in already.


Someone had mentioned that the second half was still rough, but I think they just might be trying to keep people away. It was amazing as well. The long turn past the station was retracked and was a complete reversal of the spine-assaulting curve it once was. Now, the couple of spots that hadn't been redone were absolutely noticeable: the beginning portion of the ride (which isn't taken fast enough to be bad and is still a blast), the first drop (which was probably the biggest disappointment on the ride, a couple more slams than I would like), and the portion of track right before the s-curve into the helix. However, they had just "normal wooden coaster feel" to them, and really, roughly 3 seconds of the ride is going to ruin the rest of the experience? I'd hope not. A quick note on the Timberliners; comfy seats, no seats belts, open front, a cool rolling-ball-bearings noise... They were so awesome. More parks please look into them.


The best advice I can give to get an amazing ride on Hades? A few tips: ride the front seat, go early in the day (once Hades warms up, the bumps get more noticeable), ride the front seat, don't make your restraint too tight, and RIDE THE FRONT SEAT! Honestly, I must have a high pain threshold, because I have been on FAR worse rides than Hades. I rode with my arms up (completely spontaneously, it was that fun) on my first ride and was completely fine. If you think the ride is rough, you must have unrealistic coaster expectations. It's a woodie, expect at least a few bumps.


So, unfortunately for those of you who had no desire to visit Mount Olympus again, now you have a reason. Hades is an epic experience and should not be missed. I would just advise making the trip early in the season to get the smoothest ride possible. Thanks so much Scotty, Rocco, Duane, John from Chicago, and all other coaster nerds in attendance that day. You guys were all awesome and I look forwards to running into you guys again. And now Scotty and I certainly have a story to tell.


Since Scotty had the ride covered head to foot in video, I decided to get some pictures for you guys. Enjoy!


Ah, a view that I have grown quite accustomed to over the years. Something just feels a little different this year, though I can't put my finger on it...


Well this should be a great way to start off the coaster season. =D


I thought the new electronic wait signs are a nice touch, even if not entirely accurate. If the park is really going to shoot for a bigger park feel, then this helps a bit.


It's safe to say I hadn't been this excited to ride Hades since it first opened. (Is this okay for the index Larry?)


Oh crud. Here's the problem with visiting the park the first week in June (really, the line wasn't that bad. I was more than willing to wait)


A first glimpse of the Timberliner train rolling through the crazy pre-lift section.


The airtime through this section is still so good. This part alone rivals some woodies I've ridden.


In true TPR fashion, Hades THROUGH THE TREES!!!1!11!


I always love the drop past the queue line... Hey, why no front seat riders? Don't tell me they broke the train already!


The GCI station fly-throughs are nice, but having Hades roar by just a few feet from the station just never gets old.


This part of the ride used to be pretty brutal, but the retracking has made it pretty freaking great.


Hey, who's this guy with the SDR shirt and the GoPro? I swear I've seen him somewhere before, but I'm not sure...


Finally it's our turn and I have to force myself not to squeal like an idiot. And there sure are a lot of smiles on that train...


My friend Joey on the right and me on the left (TPR represent!), ready to have our minds blown. Thank you John-from-Chicago-who-was-wearing-an-Outlaw Run-shirt for taking the picture.


If you've ridden Hades before, I urge you to come and give it a try now. It feels like a completely different ride. If you've never ridden it before, come out and try one of the most insane wooden coasters out there. Either way, give me a ring so I can go. =D


The full-train only policy is kind of a pain, so being the LoneRider here doesn't work very well. Make sure you have a buddy.


If the first drop had been done as well, the ride would that much better. It's still quite a drop, and frankly, the airtime in the front seems just as good or better than the back.


Something here is QUITE different. A huge congrats to Gravity Group as well as Rocky Mountain for opening up new possibilities for wooden coasters. =D


A closer view of the corkscrew. It feels weird to see it in person. It just doesn't look natural (BUT IT IS SAFE, ya whackos...)


Thought 90 degrees was crazy? Wait until you go flipping through here.


The 110 degree curve from the other side.


I think I tried making this in NoLimits once. Gravity Group pulled it off a lot better though...


Big smiles and a whole lotta speed through here.


I kind of like this picture. It's (almost) all-inclusive of the awesomeness that is Hades.


After being flung out of your seat, how about some great airtime all the way into the tunnel?


The seats sure are comfy, that is when your butt is actually in them.


The backside of the unholy corkscrew.


The backside of the unholy corkscrew, now with 100% more train flavor!


My camera seemed to behave pretty well for a camera that is better suited for underwater shots. Here, however, is an example of rushing to get a picture. Oh well.


The plus side of visiting the park when there are lots of school trips? The kids have to ship out early and the line dies down to this. Time for some more rides!


Scotty takes a well deserved break from filming and gets another ride on Hades. I'm definitely looking forward to the footage Scott! 8D


Seriously, the hard work and modifications on Hades have made it even more amazing than it was before. These redone sections were such a nice change. In fact, the most uncomfortable part of the ride seemed to be the brake section. The offset brake fin makes the Timberliners twist in a strange and jostling way. Otherwise the whole ride is a huge success!


The ending of an incredible day. Boy am I glad I waited until today to visit! Great people, great weather, and a great ride make me a happy sponge. =D


A final parting shot of the new and improved Hades. Thank you so much for reading and feel free to comment or ask questions. Get out and ride Hades, you won't regret it! (or at the very least forget the experience) Don't be afraid to give me a heads up. See you in the next report. LoneRider signing out!

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Nice pictures. The new train and track changes look great. Too bad I won't be out there in the near future; I'd love to ride it. I think it's great to a very rideable "wild" wooden coaster like Hades.

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The new seating arrangement on the Timberliners allows each person their own little area instead of mashing you together at the hip, which is quite nice. Neither me nor my friend Joey are very big in the stomach area, so I can't really say if the new restraints are very different from PTC ones. However, they seemed to be a little more forgiving (just make sure you don't get stapled - they only get tighter). The only problem I can see for riders is if they have wide hips or really big thighs, as the seats are somewhat similar to what you'd find (IMO) on a B&M coaster. If you don't have problems on rides like Batman, Raging Bull, or V2 (not a B&M, I know), you should have no problem with the Timberliners.

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