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Going to England. But need help.


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Hello I'm RCT3Bross,

I noticed that in this board many people asked for traveling advice so that's why I came here.

This year I would love to go to Italy (Say around July) but I there is a chance I won't have any drivers licenses so I have to find other ways. I did some research and found out that Gardaland and Mirabilandia (The two parks I'm planning to visit) are easily reachable by train. So to reach the parks I won't have a problem with but how to reach Italy I do have a problem with. I've been doing research myself but got thrown so many airports and the train isn't easy as well.

So my question is: Can someone give me good advice on how to reach Italy and where to stay (Like in a guest hose, camping or hotel)?

I would appreciate any advice given so I can go on planning this trip. Not important anymore go to post 2 for new plan.

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Just a word of caution that Italy's rail and bus system isn't quite up to the rest of Europe. There are a lot of cancellations and delays so be careful. At Gardaland I would stay at their resort as it's very nice and walking distance (or a short included bus ride) away. Mirabilandia also has a small hotel/guest house right near by but we've never stayed there as it's too small for our groups.

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Thanks for the warning I would never have expected that in Italy. Just for Information (why I didn't thought of this before is crazy but) how is that in England? I know I'm bringing a big twist, but I had Italy in mind because I should be able to drive there. So if I don't have a license why not thinking about the UK instead?


Edit: Talked about it with my mother (Not that she is coming with me) and I've decided to say no to Italy and rather go to England.

To be honest I've been killing myself that I wouldn't go to England now with the new Smiler at Alton Towers and the Swarm at Thorpe park going backwards. So I had a little talk with my mother about this and decided to go for it. This brings so much more in less parks.

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  • 4 weeks later...

I have a question about a park in England that I currently investigate to know if I want to go to it, This park is Pleasure Beach, Blackpool. I read from a lot of people it's a must do in England and in the past I already looked into the park. Now I'm going to England again I'm looking into the park but face the same barricade like years ago. This barrier is the prize, I don't really understand that if I buy a wristband for 35 pound at the gate if I'm allowed on every ride for the complete day. Or is that limited to a number of rides? So how does this park work? And is it really a must do in England? If so I will go to it as it has a great number of rides.

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The pleasure beach is a great park - if you like knoebels / kennywood etc, you'll love it!


Price wise - the wristband is unlimited rides, and you can usually get them cheaper online in advance

Thanks for the info. But I don't really know Knoebels and Kennywood, I never been there so hard to compare.

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The point worth making about England is that Blackpool is some distance from London, etc and will likely cost you in excess of £100 to get from Blackpool to Thorpe. Coupled with the fact that Alton Towers is mid-distance between the two and harder to access without a car you might want to prioritise which area of England you plan to visit

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^ Got your point. I think I keep it with Alton Towers and Thorpe park then it's expensive but that was the original plan. Well Then I start looking at where to stay. I don't really know how it goes with staying at the parks, is it easy to leave the park grounds in the morning (with no car obviously)? If so I know where I stay and I got that covert.

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I'm going to England in May for myself. Only i just passed for my license, so i'll have a car. Public Transports seems to be good, i would say if your going to Alton you can also go to Blackpool Just don't expect to do it in a daytrip but take out 5 days in total for it


Day 1: Travel to Blackpool from everywhere(Possibly Londen).

Day 2: Visit Blackpool Pleasure Beach

Day 3: Travel from Blackpool to Alton.

Day 4: Visit Alton Towers.

Day 5: Travel from Alton to Londen.


I would also like to say that public transport around the Londen area is just as good as here in Holland. But outside of Londen and maybe the Liverpool/Manchester Area. It's still good but there not so much trains/busses as in the city's


For a hotel near Londen i would consider to look around the Heathrow Airport. There much better price and their close to Thorpe ect...


And if your a club TPR member maybe buy an Merlin Annual Pass, this also include some of Blackpool's and Londen's other attractions

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  • 1 month later...

Also the Qbots(speedy pass) VIP version is £17 online or the VIP plus £35(you must book online to get these prices),either of these options are really worth it if its a busy day.I used them last year on a really busy day and rode everything at least once with time to spare.

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