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my diet report


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well this month I was trying to loose weight for swimming and school. I gained most of my weight mainly from sitting on the computer and eating. BTW Robb i will be sueing you for making me fat

So i decieded to eat nothing but carbs and bike 10 miles a day. I mainly only ate white rice and drank Evian.


Week 1- ate 2 bowls of rice and biked 4 miles a day (lost 2 pounds)

Week 2- ate 2 bowls of rice and 1 bowl of cerial, biked 5 miles a day (lost 4 pounds)

Week 3- ate 1.5 bowls of rice and 1 bowl of cerial, biked 7 miles a day (lost 7 pounds)

Week 4- ate 3 bowls of rice and 2 bowls of cerial, biked 10 miles a day (lost 15 pounds)

Final week- ate 2.5 bowls of rice and 1 bowl of cerial, biked 10 miles a day (lost 26 pounds total)


so that was my diet, if anyone has any questions feel free to ask, like anyone would want to

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i am on the 6:30 diet. i woun't eat any food after 6:30pm it kinda works in curving my appetite.


I know you shouldnt eat late.. but isnt 6:30 kinda pushin it?... sometimes I dont eat till 7, 8.... and thats not late at all... 10, 11.. thats late..


But ya ive lost almost 100 pounds... It all started when I wanted to fit into all the intamins... so ya.. im about 160 pounds now.. I was 250...


So I call my diet the "Intamin Diet"..

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carbs give you energy, carbs speeds up your metabolism. As long as you excercise, you will be fine eating carbs. I you dont eat carbs, you will lower your metabolism and then you cant eat anything you want. I you have a high metabolism, you can almost eat anything and burn it off.

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carbs give you energy, carbs speeds up your metabolism. As long as you excercise, you will be fine eating carbs. I you dont eat carbs, you will lower your metabolism and then you cant eat anything you want. I you have a high metabolism, you can almost eat anything and burn it off.

This is my philosophy. When I lost my 100+ pounds I did it all on carbs and a LOT of cardio! When I went to Europe/Hong Kong this year, I put on 15 pounds over those two trips, came back and lost it all eating carbs!


Different things work for different people, but it's funny how I have everyone around me preaching to me the low carb thing, and I do just the opposite....


--Robb "Now about that Wisconsin State Fair..." Alvey

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I'm with Robb, diffren't strokes for diffren't folks.


What might be right for you, may not be right for some ..




Okay, enough of that.


But yeah, Robb lost his weight on ALL CARBS. Kristi lost her weight on NO CARBS. I'm kind of right in the middle. I cut out some carbs, but not all. I mostly cut out fatty foods (Fast food mostly). I also don't eat late at night.


I used to get home from work at 12:30 and I would have cookies and milk, or Ice Cream or something and then sleep. OUCH!!!


Now, when I work until Midnight I don't eat anything after 8:00pm. That give me roughly 5 hours of not eating before I go to sleep. I drink LOTS of water (probably 4 or 5 liters a day) and piss ALOT.


I have lost 25 lbs in the last year. Granted, this summer I have put on about 5 since I haven't been exercising as much ... okay, not at all. But now that the kids are back in school I have started walking again and will start doing DDR again.

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Wow an all Rice/Cereal Diet, that's Ruff! :shock:


Now that you have finished your Crash Program, what kind of meals are you currently eating?


Since you dropped your calorie intake to such a low level, it may cause your weight to rebound once you begin to increase the size and frequency of your meals.


Most people need to eat 3 to 5 meals a day, avoid skipping breakfast, and try not to make dinner your largest meal of the day. When people eat throughout the day they are less likely to impulse snack on junk.

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I cut out some carbs, but not all. I mostly cut out fatty foods (Fast food mostly).


that's been working for me. my roommate tried to make me follow her diet plan since she lost 74 pounds on Atkins. meanwhile I've lost 50 doing my thing.


I'm just trying to eat more sensibly and less junk-food-impulsively.

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^When it comes to cutting down on your Carb Intake, what really matters is the "Type" of carbohydrates.


I work in the Health Food/Vitamin industry, and I have seem some people get some great results on Atkins. The main thing people need to do is cut back on your intake of "Simple" Carbs, AKA..White Flour and White Sugar products. People often don't realize how many simple carbs they consume in a typical day. It's a Lot!!!


People should continue to consume complex carbs, and proteins. (The Atkins regitment of no carbs can be a bit extreme for many people)


Once you cut out the Simple Carbs, and add a some exercise to your daily activities, the weight will slowly come off.


People often become impatient, and expect to lose a lot of weight immediately when they begin a new Diet program. But your better off in the long run to loss it slow and steady, because your much more likely to maintain your results.

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