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Thrillspot USA [RCT2]

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New amusement park planned for Southern California; teasers surface

October 14, 1999


ANAHEIM, CALIFORNIA -- Mickey Mouse, King Kong, and Mr. Six will soon have a new neighbor in SoCal. During a special press conference today, a new amusement park planned for a soon to be released location in Southern California was announced. The park is currently being planned by Dan Sharp, CEO of The Kinetic Engineering Group, and a group of private investors. Sharp, an ex-Imagineer with Walt Disney Imagineering, left the company following the start of construction of the Disneyland Resort's new park, California Adventure. Unhappy with the direction the company was headed with the new park, Sharp left WDI to focus on other endeavors. At the end of 1998, Sharp created The Kinetic Engineering Group which offers creative services to amusement parks around the world in the creation of amusement rides and roller coasters. Now focused on the creation of a new thrill park for Southern California, Sharp is ready to bring some of his best ideas to life. Although no timeline was given for the new park, Dan Sharp revealed that there is plenty more to come in the next few weeks regarding the park. "The plan is still in the very early stages, but I am confident that this new park will bring the best of the best to the Southern California area," said Dan Sharp.


Leaked concept artwork of park entrance.

Edited by EastCoastn07
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Hey guys,

Another piece of concept art was released for the park today. It looks like this is the main entrance to the park. The trolley in the picture looks very intriguing, I wonder if some of Dan Sharp's Disney Imagineering background influenced this design?


--More soon!


Concept art for main gate.

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Nice use of the TT scenery in that first screen,I so need to find where I put my TT disc so I can install it on my system arghh.


This park requires no expansion packs.


Also, the trolley supports are gray, not green. It looks green in the picture but they are gray to help blend in with the tarmac.

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Aside from the geographical impossibilities of fitting in another park in such a developed area such as Anaheim, I like what I see so far and look forward to seeing what you come up with. Hopefully this isn't an all-thrill generic Six Flags/Cedar Fair amusement park. If Dan Sharp is an ex-Imagineer, then I'm expecting to see some theming in here beyond what one would see in Knott's. Anyways, can't wait to see the result. ^^

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"Thrillspot USA" planned for San Diego area

October 17, 1999


SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA -- Earlier this week a new amusement park was announced for the Southern California area and today several new details have arised regarding the park. Leading the development of the new park will be Dan Sharp, CEO of The Kinetic Engineering Group, along with numerous other developers and investors. Due to Sharp's connection with the Disneyland Resort and Walt Disney Imagineering in particular, many industry experts believed the new amusement park would be located somewhere in the Los Angeles/Anaheim area to compete with Disneyland, Six Flags Magic Mountain and Knott's Berry Farm. However, documents filed with the county of San Diego reveal that a substantial amount of land has been acquired several miles away from the city of San Diego for development of a large scale amusement complex. The name "Thrillspot USA" appears on several pages of the documents and are signed by Dan Sharp and numerous other investors. The documents, which were filed several months ago, include numerous permits for demolition, land clearing and construction for the park. With the rise of these new details, look for a more official announcement on the location and name of the park in the near future.


Document sketches filed with the county of San Diego. Labeled "main street buildings 1".

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Nice use of the TT scenery in that first screen,I so need to find where I put my TT disc so I can install it on my system arghh.


This park requires no expansion packs.


Also, the trolley supports are gray, not green. It looks green in the picture but they are gray to help blend in with the tarmac.



One of the roofs in your screens look similar to the art deco themed ones found in TT,I just need to find my TT disk so I can install it & gain the added rides & scenery for some of my own projects as well as downloading all of the custom flats that I lost from my old PC.

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Nice use of the TT scenery in that first screen,I so need to find where I put my TT disc so I can install it on my system arghh.


This park requires no expansion packs.


Also, the trolley supports are gray, not green. It looks green in the picture but they are gray to help blend in with the tarmac.



One of the roofs in your screens look similar to the art deco themed ones found in TT,I just need to find my TT disk so I can install it & gain the added rides & scenery for some of my own projects as well as downloading all of the custom flats that I lost from my old PC.



You're right about the piece, but it is actually a converted piece in order to use it with only RCT2 since most park makers ( at least at new element) can't do the proper hacks that they preform generally.


Still awiting to see the 'real' pictures though.

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Hey everyone! It looks as if the first coaster for "Thrillspot USA" has been leaked by one of the interns over at Great Coasters International. Several teasers for a new wooden coaster were posted to the GCI Facebook page last night, but were quickly removed several minutes later. Luckily I was able to save the pictures before that. The post mentioned something about a new park in the San Diego, so I can only assume that this coaster belongs to the new "Thrillspot USA" park. So there you have it folks, it looks as if the first roller coaster for this new park in San Diego is going to be a new GCI wooden coaster!


Leaked photo #1.


Second leaked photo of the new GCI wooden coaster.

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First screen looks good, try to vary your foliage tho. Make some lowlife. Second screen, bare, but that comes with unfinished stuff, and nice take on the quick GCI turns.


Also, the archy in the previous screens looks pretty good.


P.S. Penguins fan here too, if you couldnt already tell

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Too many teal\turquoise trees. They're too displeasing to the eye, it's fine in moderation as a turquoise tree one or 2 in a whole forest of 15-20 trees.


I'm not sure if those are the correct colors for the trees though. I might be wrong. You are using the GW H2H5 foliage scenery tab?

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I apologize for not releasing any shots in awhile, but the RCT2 file I was working with got corrupted and I lost all my buildings I made on the main street. I'm slowly rebuilding buildings and also finding out where I want to put my next ride. I'm not really sure what type of ride it's going to be, but any suggestions would be good!

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^its hard to root for the caps when they have two of the biggest puckhogs on their top line, yes ovie and semin. Semin has an act for critiscizing Crosby, but for some reason he has never backed it up. All the ovechkin hype, i dont see it. He's having a bad year and Semin's hot streak of late has been the only thing keeping him alive in the scoring race. And then, if hes such a superstar, how come he can't win in the playoffs to save his life? Crosby is better. End of story there.


Backstrom rode Ovie's coattails to stardom, as did Semin. Mike Green should be a forward cuz he certaintly cant play D, his position.


Penguins are a much better overall team without the baggage. Plus we've got the 2 best players in the world here. I'll get respect for the Caps when you guys finally can beat somebody in the playoffs.


Sorry, an opinion from a die hard hockey fan.

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