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RCT Coaster Challenge Chat

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A mine train would be great! I really do want a Log Flume contest, although most people will think it's a crappy idea


Maybe I'll just sit here by myself and have my own private Log Flume contest At least I will win!

Hey well the Log Flume is under the Roller Coaster category in RCT3 (heaven knows why... It seems they just threw all tracked rides there... WTH)... So technically it would count. I would really suck with a Log Flume ride though. Then you get to analyze my craptacular scenery in slow speed...
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A mine train would be great! I really do want a Log Flume contest, although most people will think it's a crappy idea


Maybe I'll just sit here by myself and have my own private Log Flume contest At least I will win!


I think a Log Flume contest would be a good idea. It helps to mix things up a bit.


The only problem is I'm not that good with scenery, especially creating buildings.

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here we go..a teaser pic for coaster #3. the final entry. like entry #1 this is mine-themed as well. I have good feelings about this coaster because it was the first one that I made for a TPR RCT contest that ran perfectly the first time!


in true Allie odd-sense-of-humor form, the below pic is the only hidden feature of the ride. the home of the openly gay miner who works on this mountain. compared to the other shacks on the mountain, his is decorated very well.


a gay miner? why not?

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ok, so I've had enough of all the bickering and stuff that occurs on these forums. Today, I was supposedly helping someone out by finding stuff for them on Google Earth and OMFG it turned into like a big argument about The Great Wall of China. So I'm leaving.


It made me feel bad and it also taught me that I shouldn't go around being helpful. What was I thinking? It was a really stupid thread anyway. Everyone knows that Google Earth isn't "lame".


Anyway, "whatever"



And bye, I hope the people that I actually got along with on here take care and I may bump into them in the future!

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Due to problems with people and attitudes on these forums I have decided I've had enough.


Thanks to everyone who participated in the contests, they were great fun and it was wonderful seeing everyones coasters. Seeing how involved the community got was very heart-warming and made all the behind the scenes work more enjoyable.


Checking everyones coasters for validity and taking pictures was time-consuming but very fun and I'm glad I was able to help Crispy provide entertainment.


One of the things I wanted to achieve ever since finding TPR was to kickstart the Coaster Game forums, I believe that I helped do this.


I'm sure Crispy will continue to produce fun coaster contests and I'll gladly still offer help to him from outside as I know how much time it can take to capture, rename and prepare the pictures and coasters for voting.


Besides all that, I've found a good friend in Crispy and have also had some fun chats and experiences with a lot of other TPR members, some in particular are always friendly and fun to be around like Erik Johnson, AllisonY2K, Zankara and Zaneymon.


I'll still be around over the next couple of days until the vote for this contest goes up as I've had a few PC problems and taking pictures has taken awhile longer than usual, 29 entries is the most we've ever had and they've all been really good!!!


I'll be sending Crispy a copy of the banner template so he can issue the winner(s) with their banner as well.


I won't be posting anymore but THANKYOU VERY MUCH for your support in this endeavour, it's been a lot of fun, I hope you give Crispy all the support he needs to keep this great idea alive, I'll be doing what I can from behind the scenes.


Take care!

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