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Cloverdale [RCT2]

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mcjaco- I know exactly what you mean. I still feel like its a really small park. Something like only 14 rides, but I zoom out and yeah its a huge park! I wanted to try to make it more real and not have a ride every 50 feet. While doing that I've realized all the fillers I need to put in between rides can take a long time to imagine and construct. haha. Either way I'm having fun with it. If you've noticed I'm on year like 23 there. And i feel like it doesnt look like i've worked on it that long.


All of that aside some exciting news. Work on a new section of the park has commenced. Hopefully have a teaser up tonight for you guys.


One love,


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Michael Scarn here again. Got a large update in a small shell for you today, in other words, just a little teaser for the masses. Work has begun on not one but TWO new areas in Cloverdale amusement park. We are busy adding a new woodsy area up on the north section of the park as well as a savannah section just east of Invictus across the river. We're really excited about these two pictures we have for you all. Enjoy.



Teaser of the savannah section of the park so far.


Teaser of the new woodsy section of the park. Also you can see the new B&M Ultra-Lite, Cannonball Run.

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Michael Scarn here, with a few new pictures of our new B&M, Cannonball Run. We're so close to opening up for the public!



Just some theming by the carousal .


First drop and identical camelback hills. Sure lots of airtime on that first hill!


View of the turn around on Cannonball Run. Sure is thrilling diving into a pond 20 feet below the paths and soaring over top of the bath and diving back down 20 feet below the path again!


The helix section of Cannonball Run! Sure looks exciting diving down by the water so much on this ride!! It really is very well built into the area.

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Originally after that left handed downward turn it went into a downward helix still going left than into that angle hill but it just looked silly so i had it turn the opposite way but in order for it to connect again i had to add the straight sections to the helix making it choppy but I digress, I'm still happy with how its turning out so far.

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Michael Scarn here folks for a quick update for you. The 'woodsy' section in the north quadrant of the park is almost complete. Just need to add some more theming and a few more rides. We love to hear the general publics feedback!



Most of the layout to Cannonball Run


Added a mini golf right under Cannonball Run. Guests will sure be able to get good pictures from there!


Working on adding a Go Cart track up here. Themeings coming along nicely!

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Michael Scarn here again. We've added 2 new buildings as well as a new water ride. And we finally got back to the savannah section of the park and are proud to present a wooden roller coaster!



Added a new building to pick up some snacks and souvenirs.


Monsoon. The parks new splash down ride. It also has a small path to connect the main midway to the woodsy section, for those lazy peeps. ;)


Overview of the new Monsoon area so far.


Now onto the new section of the park thats been under construction for a while. This is Outlaw. A twisty GCI ride with plenty of airtime and surprises.


Overview of the park so far! Things are coming together beautifully!

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"Things are coming together beautifully!"


What you just said pretty much sums up my thoughts. I also admire the lack of B&M coasters in your park.


You sir know how to plan your parks very well. Quite frankly I'm impressed. Purely, impressed.



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