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California Trip 2010


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Hi all,


I'm planning a US road trip in september 2010, from Yellowstone to Vegas to San Francisco and lots in between.

I'm allowed max 2 days of theme parks after negotiations with the wife unit .


The options:

2 days of Disney (I've already done DLRP twice)

knotts + universal

sfmm + universal



What would you recommend and why?


Thank you for your input.

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That's a bit difficult if you only have 2 days for themeparks.


Disneyland Anaheim is not the same themepark as Disneyland Paris.

But if you have visited Disneyland Paris before you don't miss anything when skipping Disneyland Anaheim.


Then my choice is to visit SFMM and Universal Studios.

SFMM has the better rollercoasters compared to KBF.

Universal Studios is a better option then KBF, just because of the tramtour, Simpsons, The Mummy, Jurrasic Park etc.


And by the way how many shopping days does your wife have during that trip?

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I would pick SFMM and Disneyland/DCA (and just get a park hopper for a day). I haven't been to Universal but that could possibly be a good choice (especially since you've been to DLP twice), just make sure you experience SFMM and make sure you don't experience Knott's.

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Hi all,


I'm planning a US road trip in september 2010, from Yellowstone to Vegas to San Francisco and lots in between.

I'm allowed max 2 days of theme parks after negotiations with the wife unit .


The options:

2 days of Disney (I've already done DLRP twice)

knotts + universal

sfmm + universal



What would you recommend and why?


Thank you for your input.


You are going to get useless advice unless you let everyone know what you and your wife enjoy at parks.


I'm not sure why people are telling you to dismiss Disneyland just because you have been to DLP. Some of the people giving this advice clearly have never been to DLP. They are completely different experiences from the rides, to the staff to the attractions.

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First of all, thanks to all of you for the replies.


To reply to the question posed above, my wife and I both like DLP very much, because of the scenery, shows and ride experiences.

On top of that, I just love a good coaster, no matter what the theming is. I love expedition geforce, black mamba, stuntfall and some of our other European coasters.


My main issue with Disneyland is that at first view, it looks very similar to DLP with a few extra attractions. Is this correct, or am I totally wrong?

DCA looks nice, but I'm afraid that it will be just one big construction wall with the big rework.


Thanks once again for your feedback

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In that case I would recommend one day at SFMM (for thrills) and one day at Disneyland/DCA.


Although some of the rides have the same name but the layouts are different. DLP has a better Big Thunder Mountain and Haunted Manor. but there any many well done attractions at Disneyland that you can not experience at DLP. Indiana Jones, Mr Toad's Wild Ride, Matterhorn, Splash Mountain, Jungle Cruise, Roger Rabbit's Car Toon Spin, Alice in Wonderland and many others. Disneyland attractions


The front gate of DCA is much closer to Disneyland's than the Movie Studios are to DLP making park hopping even easier than in Paris. Although many focus on the construction, it does not affect the appearance of many parts of the park and there are many unique attractions not to be found in Paris. On my first two trips to California I did not visit Disneyland or DCA, thinking I've seen it all in Florida, but after finally visiting the original version it was worth the trip.

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Last question would then be, is one day at DL/DCA worth it? To do all the major rides, how long would I need?


After pondering and reeding all of your feedback, it looks like either 2 days of Disney, or one SFMM and one @ Disney

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September is a really good time to go as there are really no major "events" going on. But I would still try to avoid going on a weekend if possible, although going during the week you will miss out on Fireworks and Fantasmic (not THAT big of a deal IMO).


Also remember, during that time, SFMM is only open on Weekends. I would try and do SFMM on a Sunday and then maybe try to do Sunday night/Monday at Disneyland/DCA.


DCA will have a new night show as well that may be running that Sunday night. Of course, reviews won't be available until next year.


I think one not-so-crowded day is long enough to at least get the "highlights" of Disneyland. Once your trip get's closer and you figure out days we can try and help you figure out a schedule to get the good stuff in and what you can skip.

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  • 5 months later...



just to confirm my choice:

a thursday half day and full friday in the second week of september.

I will be staging in the holiday inn hotel & suites.

My questions: is the hotel doable on foot from the parks? The hotel has free parking, so I was hoping to use that and just walk to the parks.

What would be the recommended plan? I was thinking half day dca and full day magic kingdom.


Thanks for your advice

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