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Photo TR: My Final SFGAm Adventure

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Beginning August 1st, I will take residence in Sherman Oaks, California. Therefor, I will no longer be making trips to everyone's favorite park Six Flags Great America. As a last blast attempt, I called up as many of my friends as I could so we can head out to the park one last time.


Sadly, only my friend Ed showed up.


Ed had never been to Six Flags with me.

As you can see, we were very excited.


"Hey, Lundy! Did I mention I'm afraid of roller coasters?"

"We're gonna have lotsa fun with you!"

Ed, it was just Triple Play. You can let go now.


Run to the Hills makes Ed in the mood for Bull.

Right Ed?


"Wait, what?"


Ed did have a terrifying ride, but, to his credit, he rode it.


My last Bull love!


We then spun the crap out of ourselves.


As payment, Ed took me on a water ride.

Yay, about to be miserable!



Ed was then trapped inside a smoke bubble.


Somehow I convinced Ed to ride Raging Bull again...

And he loved it!!


"Oh, Trash Receptacle. You're not so bad. We've had some good times. Take care ol' buddy." We then shed some tears and went our separate ways.


Bittersweet goodbye.


Farewell Six Flags Great America. A lot of great memories at this place. Growing up in Illinois would not have been the same if it weren't for this local escape. I wouldn't have met nearly as many crazy people just as weird as I am and I wouldn't have the many stories I could tell just from being at this place.


Working at Fright Fest, meeting strange singing people in the Demon line who later become great friends, having my online handle screamed at me from ride operators at Giant Drop, getting pepper sprayed by a guest, getting my looping coaster cherry popped, wondering who "That Guy over there" is, avoiding evil Trash Receptacles, getting yelled at for writing my website with my finger at King Chaos, having fun with some of the best people on the planet.


The list could go on and I'm sad to leave. But it's time to grow up and move on. Time to start living my life and become a better person. SFGAm will always be there in my mind as my own nostalgic get away, and I have the pictures to remind me of that.


Besides, now I'm closer to Disneyland.

That's All Folks.


-Director Guy

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Here's a welcome in advance to California! Glad you got to ride the Bull a couple times before you left. As a consolation prize, you get to visit SFMM, KBF, USH and DLR, with hardly any airtime between them!


I see that you call yourself "director guy" and that you are moving to Sherman Oaks...what kind of...films...will you be involved in?


Seriously, though, hope you like So Cal. I know I do!

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Theme parks are always so much better when you have a personel connection to them, as you seem to have with SFGAm. Hopefully you'll find our parks equally as entertaining. Oh, & welcome to California.

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You got pepper-sprayed by a guest? What's the story there? lol


I was working at Fright Fest as a jump and scare character. A guest, who I'm sure was intent on causing trouble, found where I was hiding and sneaked up on me. I then fell some liquid raining down onto my face. Shortly after, I was screaming in agonizing pain.



Turns out the culprit was also responsible for pepper spraying a Werewolf that was out on the street that night as well. He got it worse, it was all caught in his mask.

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