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Hershey Park tips?

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I'm also going to Hersheypark this summer, July 8th to be exact. So instead of making my own thread about it I figured I'll just post here.


My family will be driving from Six Flags Great Adventure to Hershey with a stop in Philadelphia. I'm not sure if that will give us enough time to take advantage of the preview thing but I hope it does!


Questions, I'm only going to be there for one day, is it really possible to do everything worth doing in one day? Also, should we go to the park around 9, do the chocolate tour, and then head to the park gate at around 9:30 or just do the tour some other time? And finally, what should the first ride be? Nobody has come to any sort of consensus on this one...

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^Yes, head for Storm Runner first...once the park opens.


But Comet opens about 20 minutes before the rest of the park, so it will all work out very well if you get there early, do Comet, and then go back up the hill to SR once they cut the ropes.

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^This is what I like about TPR, some great advice that I would not have thought of. I will be there on Monday, June 1. I was going to go to Fahrenheit first, then to Storm Runner. However, after your intriguing advice, DBru, I will now get there early, ride Comet, then run to SR for a few (hopefully) walk-ons. However, will that mean I'll be waiting in a long line for Fahrenheit when I ride it after SR? This is all helpful advice. Thank you all for your contributions to this very useful thread.


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^Unless the single rider line is open (and you use it), there will always be a lengthy line for Fahrenheit, no matter when you ride it.


By lengthy a mean about 30-45 minutes...it may be shorter than that since you are visiting so early in the season, but if not, it is well worth the wait.


Have fun!

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One other thing I would suggest is to really look at the map good before going. You can get lost here without really trying. It's laid out really weird, lots of skinny walkways. You may end up in a completely different section of the park without even realizing it.


Also, if you are looking for a little quiet time in the middle of the day, you can go to ZooAmerica for an hour or two (free with admission!). You can barely even hear the buzz from the park over there. The entrance is in Minetown.


Also located between Minetown and Pioneer Frontier is one of the only Aquatheaters left. It had a cute show last year with sea lions.

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^^^30-45 minutes? That's nothing! I'm used to Magic Mountain and Cedar Point length lines. I can stand a little wait after a few rides on Comet and SR. Thanks again for the advice. Man, I can't wait to get there. Less than 3 weeks to go...


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Okay, well I went to Hershey on Labor Day weekend last year so i remember what to do. Get there early as possible and go straight to Fahrenheit (GOOD LUCK). We headed there about 15 minutes after the park opened and it already had an hour wait.


After that do Storm Runner (Excellent ride, better then Fahrenheit in my opinion) and then Great Bear. When we went Great bear had about a maximum wait of 20 - 30 minutes and we went twice in under an hour. The ride is great and FUN...always two good things that come out of a B&M.


Next do all the woodies in the park...and Sidewinder can be done whenever along with the Wild Mouse and SuperDooperLooper.

All the other rides are just ones that can be done anytime...EXCEPT FOR THE BOARDWALK. We got there at 11:30ish and it was packed! We waited over an hour for the Roller Soaker and more then a 1/2 hour for the tornado bowl thing.


So just get there early as possible...oh yeah get one of those pay one price and refill for free all day cups, they are great. They also have good lemonade there and Nathan's hot dogs at the BoardWalk. We sat by the Tidal Force ride by the pizza place and had an amazing view of Fahrenheit. I occasionally ate as I sat and watched the ride...just amazing...


So good luck and have fun...it's an AWESOME PARK!

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^^Thanks for the tip, adeuce02. I e-mailed Hersheypark PR, and was told they anticipated Storm Runner to be open by Memorial Day weekend. Hopefully it is. June 1 is the only day I can go, so I'm going whether the ride is open or not. However, if it isn't, I will obviously not be running back to that ride.

-Doug "I really, really hope that SR is open" Heim

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Not only are the paths way off scale, it completely fails to give you any sense of elevation (maybe that's why.) Looking at the map, you'd never guess that the Wild Mouse is right next to the waterslides.

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I am currently working on re-doing my entire Hersheypark drawing. When completed, it will be entirely to scale (or almost to scale) and you will get a sense of hills, terrain, ride/structure placement and what else. I'll post it in a thread here when it's completed.

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