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EAS Trade Show

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Hey all

coastersandmore have there EAS pages up here http://coastersandmore.de/rides/eas2008/eas2008_1.php

Heres what i can deduce from the translation.


A quick list of new rides some of which we know about some of which we don't. all rides are assumed to be for 2009 unless stated. (Note: these are based on just the above page so as there was no section on B&M and a few other manufacturers i haven't added them)


Gerstlauer Rides

Eurofighter at Thorpe Park - UK

Eurofighter at Zoosafari Fasanolandia - Italy

Eurofighter at Duinrell - Netherlands

Eurofighter at F1-X - United Arab Emirates (2010)

Launched Eurofighter at Hansa Park - Germany

Launched coaster at Plopsaland - Belgium

Spinning Coaster at Mall Of Kuwait - Kuwait

Spinning Coaster at Segaworld - United Arab Emirates


NOTES: not much new but confirms what we knew already



Mega Lite at Happy Valley Shanghai - China

Mega Lite at Happy Valley Chengdu - China

Zac Spin at Grona lund - Sweden

Rocket Coaster at Miragica - Italy

Rocket Coaster at Mirabilandia - Italy

Jet Ski Coaster at Sea World - Australia

Spinning Coaster at Bakken - Denmark

Rocket Coaster at Unknown - United Arab Emirates (reported to be worlds fastest)

Mine Train Coaster at Happy Valley Shanghai - China*

Mine Train Coaster at Happy Valley Chengdu - China*


NOTES: New rocket coaster in UAE sounds interesting and Intamin branching into the single car spinning coaster at Bakken is a new one. *I've been told by a german friend this reads as a mine train clone of the ride at Bakkene but this picture clearly shows a Vekoma mine train at Chengdu http://bbs.house100.cn/attachments/20080902_8f946984ceec2baad87cnrM5v1dyLGcX.jpg so this is up in the air at the moment



Launched coaster at Europa Park - Germany

Youngstar at Parque Warner - Spain

Youngstar at Unknown - China

Super Splash at Chimelong Paradise - China

Water Coaster at Chimelong Paradise - China

Powered Coaster at Chimelong Paradise - China


NOTES: New Youngstar at Parque Warner should be a great addition to that park.


Maurer Söhne

X-Coaster at Universal Studios Florida - USA

Dual LSM Launched Coasters at Ferrari World - United Arab Emirates

Spinning Coaster at Mall Of Arabia - Saudi Arabia


NOTES: Ferrari World launched rides are said to have 4 launch sections each along their 1000m length



Launched Coaster at Nurburgring - Germany (also claims to be the worlds fastest)

El Loco at Flamingoland - UK

Eagle Coaster at Skara Sommarland - Sweden


NOTES: sort of knew all this



Stingray flying coaster at Giant Wheel Park Suzhou - China

Big Air at Unknown - Taiwan

Indoor Junior Coaster at Unknown - Taiwan

Junior Coaster at Unknown - China

Motorbike Coaster at Unknown - China

Dual Invert/Sitdown coaster at Universal Sentosa - Singapore (2010)

Family Coaster at Kolmårdens Djurpark - Sweden

Family Coaster at Tibidabo - Spain


NOTES: Vekoma finally sold a Big Air... never though i would see the day. The Dual coasters at Universal sound awesome and theres a whole host of knew Asian rides to look forward to.



Italian Job Style coaster at F1-X - United Arab Emirates

Tower Launched Coaster at F1-X - United Arab Emirates

Unknown coaster at F1-X - United Arab Emirates

Revenge Of The Mummy at Universal Sentosa - Singapore (2010)


NOTES: F1-X has 3 more rides here but no details


Well i was hoping that list would look better but i hope you can read it ok. theres a few interesting new rides there. The Vekoma Big Air in Taiwan is a something i never thought i would see and the new UAE Intamin Rocket is also interesting.


I guess we will find out more at IAAPA

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Mega Lite at Happy Valley Shanghai - China

Mega Lite at Happy Valley Chengdu - China

Zac Spin at Grona lund - Sweden

Rocket Coaster at Miragica - Italy

Rocket Coaster at Mirabilandia - Italy

Jet Ski Coaster at Sea World - Australia

Spinning Coaster at Bakken - Denmark

Rocket Coaster at Unknown - United Arab Emirates (reported to be worlds fastest)

Mine Train Coaster at Happy Valley Shanghai - China*

Mine Train Coaster at Happy Valley Chengdu - China



No Intamins planned in the US so far?

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Wow, it sounds like 2009 will be a better coaster year than I previously thought. The chance for two world's fastest coasters to open is good, and I hope the one in the UAE has a better layout than TTD or KK. The Vekoma Big Air is a coaster that I never expected to see built, and I'm interested to see what it will be like when it opens.

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The Vekoma Big Air is a coaster that I never expected to see built, and I'm interested to see what it will be like when it opens.


Me too. I like the sheer size of the thing (though the idea is a little similar to Intamin's Half Pipe...).

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A few other notes. The Premier tower coaster for F1-X sounds like a cross between superman: The escape and the Vekoma Big Air Coasters. The ride is said to be launched down a track and up an 80m tower before the cars rotate so riders plummet face first back down.


The Italian job style coaster also at F1-X will be themed to vintage racing cars


No Intamins planned in the US so far?

I must mention this is by no means a complete list. For example we know Vekoma have a mine train opening at Happy Valley Chengdu but there's no mention of it on the EAS page.


A few non coaster related notes Happy Valley Shanghai will get a flying island and a Gyro swing from Intamin too

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