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[RCT3] Hawaii Adventure

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Today it was announced that a new Hawaii styled amusement park would be built outside of Portland, Oregon.

No idea when the construction for this new attraction would begin.

All that was realesed was a logo of this new park.


Billionaire Tim Riley, is said to pay for this project.

Tim says that he bought the 178 acre land about five months ago.

He has been working with designers and thinks he finally found the right design.


Here's the logo incase you want to see it...

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Hello everybody. My name is Soran, i'm the new general manager of Hawaii Adventure. My job is basically making sure that the park is safe and fun. One of the best things about being general manager at this park, is that i get in free, and i still get to ride all the rides while i'm doing my job! I'll also be posting pictures of the park so you know how it's going.





Construction began about 3 weeks ago. The park is ahead of schedule but there is still no idea when it might open.

Here's a pic of the entrance building.


Here's a pic of the little rest area next to the entrance.


The bathrooms and stuff are on the left hand side when you enter.


Parking lot construction began about 1 week ago it's not done yet but will be soon!


Here's the logo at the end of the parking lot.


please comment!



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Ok everyone this isn't a big update really. I just thought i would show you a pic of how the parking lot is going.


look's like that's just the lift hill, or part of the lift, or something with a lift chain on it... Whatever.





while leaving the park i noticed some track..

the gates were closed so i climbed the trees and got the best pictures i could..


Well here it is almost done.....

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Hey everyone! The new lift hill got built last week, and i got some pics of the new coaster entrance.


Here's an overview of the whole entrance..




The entrance looks even better at night!




Here's a shot of the entrance.


From the entrance of the park you can kinda see the lift hill.

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