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The Official TPR "East Coast/Behemoth Trip" Update

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I got a little "bus sick" on the way to Rye's so I kind of took it easy that night. I think there is a picture somewhere of Candace and I leaning against a fence and I looked like death. I still remember the Old Mill ride. It was a rather lenghthy dark ride, but mainly because there were LONG stretches of absolutely nothing but darkness. I kept thinking someone was going to jump out but nothing happened.

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I got a little "bus sick" on the way to Rye's so I kind of took it easy that night. I think there is a picture somewhere of Candace and I leaning against a fence and I looked like death. I still remember the Old Mill ride. It was a rather lenghthy dark ride, but mainly because there were LONG stretches of absolutely nothing but darkness. I kept thinking someone was going to jump out but nothing happened.




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I got a little "bus sick" on the way to Rye's so I kind of took it easy that night. I think there is a picture somewhere of Candace and I leaning against a fence and I looked like death. I still remember the Old Mill ride. It was a rather lenghthy dark ride, but mainly because there were LONG stretches of absolutely nothing but darkness. I kept thinking someone was going to jump out but nothing happened.




LOL! I actually *nearly* posted that one in update but I wasn't too sure if it appeared to be too "stalker-like" or not...


I wondered why Eric looked so 'out of it' that day.


--Robb "Figured you were tired from making babies..." Alvey

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I'm no stalker. I just take pictures, and it would've been sooo wrong to not take a picture of you two leaning on the fence, wrecked.

I'm not holding my camera to somebody's ear asking 'Are you enjoying the trip so far'.

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LOL! I actually *nearly* posted that one in update but I wasn't too sure if it appeared to be too "stalker-like" or not...


I wondered why Eric looked so 'out of it' that day.


--Robb "Figured you were tired from making babies..." Alvey


Ha! Now, I am curious what your comment would of been if you had posted that picture.


And no worries Bas.

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:lmao: I'm no stalker. I just take pictures, and it would've been sooo wrong to not take a picture of you two leaning on the fence, wrecked.

I'm not holding my camera to somebody's ear asking 'Are you enjoying the trip so far'.

Yeah, no worries. I didn't think it was a stalker picture by any means, just wasn't sure how to include it in the update, that's all.


But it WAS actually in my list of "final pics" to post!



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Oh man, this just looks like WAY too much fun!


I will definitely have to go on one of your trips soon! I was thinking about doing 2010, but I'm studying abroad in Ireland, so that's not a possibility. Maybe 2011/2012.


Anyway, great photos and they're making me laugh SO hard! Keep 'em coming!

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  • 3 weeks later...
Mr. Mole tried to convince the park to keep the rides open, but even he had no luck.


Not to be a smart a$$...but that is a groundhog (or some people call them woodchucks).


I've seen a baby one like him/her next to the Pappa Johns where the 'road' splits for Plaza de Carnivale (sp?) and the log flume area (cant remember the name). They are rather cute and this one almost ate the pizza crust out of my hand.

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^ Remember that TPR trip reports are more for the entertainment value, not really for factual information. I felt that "Mr. Mole" sounded better. And technically they are turtles not tortoises, but "Mr. Turtle" had a better ring to it.


So this report only gets a C+ for accurate animal information. I can live with that.


--Robb "Please enjoy the reports, don't nitpick them..." Alvey

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Can we please stop the nitpicking of my report... PLEASE?


It's responses like these that actually make me not want to do any more reports. If people can't appreciate them for what they are, forget it, I'm done.


Seriously. The last thing I want to do after spending time sorting through photos, re-sizing them, uploading them, creating captions, posting it to the site is to be corrected on animal terminology like this was a 4th graders biology test.


It really takes a serious amount of time to do an update. Please enjoy them. Don't pick them apart. Please.


--Robb "Thank you." Alvey

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Awesome update Robb! Glad to see the rest of these finally coming along. Too bad it rained and we had to leave early, but everything before the rain was great. Fortunately I already had got most of my credits there a few days earlier. Seems so long ago yet it hasn't quite been one year.

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I had a feeling the turtle porn would find its way into this update after seeing it on the photo DVD! Wasn't there another shot of our frisky turtle friend with a coaster in the background?


We would have seriously destroyed that park if it wasn't for the rain. Still, in the short time the rides were opened that day, we got all but five credits thanks to ERT and Q-bots. Just a good excuse to go back to this awesome park in the future!


Loved the update!

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^^If you are twelve, why does your profile say you are fourteen?


Back on topic, I'd like to thank you for another great update Robb! It is truly wonderful being able to relive two trips at once thanks to your ability to take the time (especially those late hours) to deliver new updates for us.


I'm feeling more and more spoiled by the day with these amazing recaps!

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