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Riccoaster's RCT2 ride catalog

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It's finealy here! Will add more later on this month.


Inspired and based on DBru's layout.


Real Woodies:


Judge Roy Scream



Real Steelies:


Arrow Shuttle


Wiener Looping


Custom Wood:


Texas Shaker


Custom Steel:








Arrow Shuttle Loop

Judge Roy Scream-riccoaster.TD6



Wiener Looping roofed.TD6

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^I was just referring to the organization of his catalog. I tried to make mine special with the recreation categories and custom categories... but oh well...


Anyway, I like Afterburn. Very B&M-ish!

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Pretty nice new coasters.


I was at first skeptical of Wiener Looping, but when I looked it up on RCDB, I see that your design is pretty accurate! That's one messed up coaster... lol


Texas Shaker is very good. TS and Afterburn are definitely your 2 best products!


I'm not to big on Anaconda, but you really captured that TOGO style, so if that's what you were going for, good work

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