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Im Moving to Texas


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  Flippero95 said:
Sports isnt a big deal in Tarrant County area.


Except for that new Cowboys staduim they are building in Arlington. You know, the one right down the street from our MLB stadium? Neither of those are in Dallas!


Yeah I guess your right

God I Hate Sports!

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Downtown Dallas is pretty cool. You have the American Airlines Center there where you can go see hockey games and concerts. Other then that Yep. Good thing Arilington is pretty close. There trying to make Arlingtion the Fun Capital of Texas! And Grapevine ( 20 min from Frisco) is getting a weird ski resort type thing with rumors of a coaster!

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Frisco is awesome. They've got and IKEA and the Frisco Roughriders (feeder team to Rangers) within a mile.


We've got Sandy Lake, Six Flags, and a new Great Wolf Lodge.


Plus - we've got Fort Worth Stock Show in January, the State Fair in September, and the North Texas State Fair & Rodeo (Denton) in August.


Also, there are some really good schools in the area, public and private.


Hope you like Texas.


You will find that we say "y'all" a lot.

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^I see you live in Rockwall. We were looking there but it was to far from my Dads work. I'm excited but sad at the same time. Its getting alittle easier each day getting used to the thought.


I'm excited to go to Six Flags when we are down there looking for houses in Spring Break. Titan looks awsome! The improved Goliath! Also Mr. Freeze looks cool. What are the other great rides? Isn't SFOT getting a Tony Hawk spinner? I've been on Timberland Twister at MOA Isn't it just a clone of that?


Whats the best rides at SFFT? Superman looks awsome there!


The thing I'm really looking forward to doing is Boardwalk Bullet when we get down there!


My Dads from Texas so we know some people down there. Its sad because a relator is coming next week so we can sell our house. Thats the sad thing for me I really like my house!

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As for SFoT, all of the rides there are very good. It is a very nice park and has a selection of rides for everyone in the family to do. Some notable rides there are Texas Giant, Titan, Mr. Freeze, Batman, etc and some of their flats are a lot of fun.


I am able however to give a good review on SFFT/Sea World as that is my home town.


At SFFT, there exist a couple of good rides, however it is not a very big park. It is one of the nicer Six Flags parks in terms of looks however, due to the fact that it sits in a hole, it gets extremely hot there. While I love Superman, I think it is one of the most over rated coasters ever. It is a lot of fun but after a while, it just isn't that amazing as everyone makes it out to be. I guess I'm just spoiled. There are a couple of flats also. One thing I like is that Scream is a sort of powerful SS tower that runs all three towers in combo mode constantly. Poltergeist is a fun ride and that never has a very long line. The Rattler-prepare to get the crap beat out of you if you sit in any of the back three cars of the back row of any car. For a smooth ride, sit in the very front other wise, I'm really sorry. The roadrunner is probably a very good mine train and it is a lot of fun with tight turns and fast speeds. Yes, Tony Hawk is a clone. As far as flats, they have a few but all in all, SFFT is not an all day experiance and you can get everything done in a few hours even on a Saturday.


30 min away at Sea World, that is an all day experiance. However, it is not as much thrill seeking. They have the Steel Eel, Great White, JTA etc. Steel eel is a lot of fun if you sit in the back. JTA while not as bad as everyone makes it out to be, it is a very fun little ride and it also looks really good. Honestly out of Tony Hawk or JTA, I'd pick JTA just because JTA doesn't sit in the middle of a grass field. The shows at Sea World are pretty good with the best being the VIVA show. I have not watched the shows at SFFT so I can not comment on which are better. Summer nights at Sea World is always a good thing to catch. Also, Sea World has a pretty good waterpark not for size, but because of quality.


I hope this was somewhat informative and have fun living in Frisco! I'm going to UT arlington next semester so I might see you at SFoT one day!



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Texas isn't really as bad as it can seem. When I was 15 my parents did the same thing, sold our house in california when I was halfway through high school and brought us out here.


I can't say I know too much about frisco, except that they've got a pretty good mall.


SFOT, on the other hand... before I started working out there I was there every week for the rides. Freeze is my favorite. but as long as you don't overdo them, most of the other rides are really good too.


And don't miss out on the shows. Coobrila (cirque type show) is back this summer, and there are always good shows at the Southern Palace Theatre during fright fest and holiday in the park.


The DFW area really is a great place to live. You get two different "down-town" areas you can go to. Dallas has the American Airlines Center as mentioned before, Music Hall, the state fair in october, and some pretty cool night-life stuff. Fort Worth has Bass Hall, one of the top zoos in the country, and the imax omni theater.

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I am really getting excited to move now! I'm really looking forward to all the new things in Frisco! And a new house and a bigger house! Im really getting pumped up! I'm really going to miss my friends though.

It looks like ill be going to Centennial High or Wakeland I think.

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